You win the Awful Dad trophy.
You win the Awful Dad trophy.
I'm picturing a hotel bar in NYC where dozens of Jezzies are gathered, finishing their ninth tequila shot and sharing awful-dad stories.
Good concept, bad reality.
All covered in the cite I supplied. I confined my initial note to AN due to the greater severity of outcomes.
Here's the cite:
Well-spotted. Anyone who's ever seen her original, unedited "thoughts" had exactly the same feeling.
Someday there will be a relatively innocuous article that Anna B doesn't try to exploit (unsuccessfully) for ideological rabble-rousing... someday!
The incidence of serious eating disorders (i.e., diagnosable anoxeria) is vanishingly small: it's less than .005% of the population.
It was cheap n easy, no doubt — but given the smug defense of that style from Lindy's ur-loyalists tonight, it seemed fair enough in context.
You seem to have stirred up Lindy's drone army. Soon the queen will require more jelly, and they'll get back to the feeding rites.
I'm sure that pudding figures prominently in her thoughts, yes.
Some people are diplomats and some are fighters.
See, now I think you've got your thumb on the real blockage to progress: industry folks are a little too conditioned to read women screenwriters as non-commercial, or having a non-commercial sensibility, even if it's commercial product they're reading. It's weird enough that it makes intuitive sense.
A man using Travis Bickle to applaud himself for his feminism...
Saw your longer comment already and replied; if you get a chance to follow up, it'd be appreciated. 'SC Film is of course a substantial accomplishment and great entree into the biz.. so your perspective is that much more interesting.
Is the notion that scripts by women won't be seen by men 18-25, full stop? That can't be it - most multiplex goers couldn't name two screenwriters if you gave 'em a year to think about it.
When you use "run by", the implication seems to be that the studios and production companies are relevant. If you agree that women hold a substantial proportion of exec jobs in Hollywood, great.
How many major studios are headed or co-headed by women?
"Average" size is a solid starting point for the discussion.