
Replica GT40 by a company that makes an effort like Superformance or Factory 5 is one thing because they actually make proper cars.

I'm taking about the low life's who get a Fiero with some hopeless engine and make it look like a Ferrari. If it ain't real, get something else. You're basically showing to society that i

Your drive through Georgia reminded me of how flat, empty and bland that state is...that, SC and FL. All pretty horrible places I wasted a decade of my life in, but I guess Georgia was the least worst.

There are honest accidents, and then there is poor judgement. Being impoverished does not equate to stupidity, and lack of intent does not equate to innocence. I don't think they meant for this to happen, but this was careless and shows a complete lack of foresight when caring for a newborn infant. They made poor

I get the whole "they have suffered enough" thing, but...

You guys can be snarky about who uses Tor — but you can be snarky about who uses FedEx, or who uses the subway in a major city, or who uses an airport restroom. It doesn't mean that those facilities aren't, by majority, used for legitimate use cases.

Likewise. When we built the house we are living in, we had it pre-wired for ethernet (some outlets better placed than others).

There are people that have carpet and don't own vacuums? That's nasty. Even a cheap Hoover is better than nothing. And I'm sure if you cut back on the amount of hipster accessories in your closet you can find room for the vacuum.

Well, the power third rail isn't some extra-malicious being. It's going to find the nearest path to ground, which happens to be the rails themselves. Getting between the two would be bad news, as would touching the rail and reaching for the third.

In the real world, you can't drop a power line into water and turn an

50% consider their DIY a success when in reality it is a disaster. Just ask anyone that has bought a home from someone that watched the DIY network or HGTV a lot. Construction adhesive used all over the place to put up ugly low grade paneling that destroys the walls under them so now it costs $8000 to fix that DIY

If people are wondering why event organizers get so pissed about douchebaggery at car events - this is why.

GOOGLE VOICE RULES!!!!! I have been using for almost 4 years, It is the best, That is my main number....

I usually take the elevator.

I can't stand it when otherwise well-educated sounding people confuse "less" and "fewer," as was the case in this video.

I was always told that a food calorie is actually a kcal or 1000 calories meaning that a single food calorie could heat 1000 gm of water by 1 deg C.

It's amazing how well these computerized models can predict attendance.

I guess I'm failing at the internet here. I'm way too old to read the tiny fuzzy print on the picture you posted. I clicked the "Blip" link, and it went to a page about dads, but the picture you posted isn't there. I clicked the "Digg" link, and it just goes to