
It's a Honda, 100K is nothing. Mine's a few thousand short of 200K, but has been in storage for the last 3.5 years. More has gone wrong with it while sitting for 3 years than the rest of the time since I bought it 12 years and 80K miles ago. I'd take a high miles car over one that sits any day. The only downside is

Transverse engines are also more efficient due to less drivetrain power loss.

This is one thing I think the NSX got right. The exhausr is nearly silent from outside the car, but from inside the car, the engine behind your head revving up to 8000 rpm sounds divine. Who cares what it sounds like for other people.

I've never heard of anyone in the original post other than Danica Patrick, either. You might want to read up about how drivers are selected for teams these days. They can't just be fast, they also have to be good looking, project the right image, etc. Their job is not just to drive the car, but to represent the team

My assumption was that it was one of the planes where the kitchen is right behind the flight deck. That way, there would be a pot full of hot water nearby if he went up to the front of the plane. They likely wouldn't be scalding other passengers that way, either.

Being literal would make sense if spiders were insects, but they aren't.

It is actually better than GT5. By that I mean the sounds are less bad. Supposedly there will be a sound overhaul in a later update, as well.

A cop gave him a ticket for not using the often-blocked bike lane, which is perfectly legal. So he made the video to demonstrate the absurdity of trying to always stay in the bike lane.

Probably the same as BMW, the 1984 Fiero.

Technically, the C series is no longer current, having been retired in 2005. If it has any relation, it has surely been extensively reworked. Probably no relation, though.

Makes one wonder if Audi had a hand in designing the Veyron.

They can call it the El Camaro.

Just got it in GT6. The description actually says that it's a design study, not an actual model, and the specs are completely made up for the game.

That's no J-series V6. I've seen some speculation that this engine is basically a smaller version of the HSV010's V10 engine. Or maybe the old NSX's C-series V6 isn't dead after all.

Like most things, it was great before it became popular. Before 2000 or so, the speed limit was 55mph the whole way through. But as it gained popularity, I guess the TN highway patrol caught on and got the speed limit reduced to it's current 30mph speed. That's not entirely bad if you take a different approach to it.

If it makes you feel any better, the same thing happens in Tokyo. There is probably some small amount of sense to this, as the security measures in different countries may be different. Though, last time I flew from Frankfurt to the US, I went through an extra US-run security checkpoint before entering the "secure"

Too complex. This is all you really need:

The 5-speed V6 is not significantly faster than the 4-speed V6. They are about the same in the quarter mile, but the 4-speed is actually faster to 60 due to the gearing. You have to shift twice to hit 60 in a 5-speed, only once in a 4-speed.

To me it looks more like the Honda HSC concept from 2003 than the new NSX concept.