
To be fair, GTA become a phenomenon on the PS2.

Marshall, ima let you finish, but Erin had one of the best videos of all time.

@JadeveonClowney ima save that and you will be the first person ill mock

Hey man, does the post really need two fish fucking jokes?

From a "jailhouse interview with the post."

I'd be mad too if that was my husband's nickname.

"...we have been married for 15 years, and he can’t keep it in his pants"

Friend: Wow, Kaluka, thanks so much for inviting me to your family's bar. I really appreciate it. [sneezes]

Yeah, Maiava did sound familiar when I read through that. But what's the Raiders?

Oakland calls that "initiation."

The woman told police she was lying on a gurney in the emergency room lobby when Gaudin appeared, told her “she was gorgeous” and touched her face and breast, she said.

Did he at least get credit for the hold?

Footage from the scene.

Remember. Mainstream news complaining about Grand Theft auto is half of their marketing campaign.

He's right, though. The moustache does make it look like he's spent time in minors.

Oh geez, I can hear the news outlets now: New Grand Theft Auto game lets your child use drugs!

Dude so can we like smoke pot while smoking pot in the game? That's like POTCEPTION MAAAAAAN!

I'm just glad he shaved his perv-stache

Okay, Deadspin, we get it. Between this and the Carolyn Moos story, it's abundantly clear you're obsessed with athletes losing their beards.

So brave.