
Counterpoint. As “essential SF in a visual medium” there is nothing wrong with this list.

Ah, this year’s edition of “Halloween is problematic, time to be offended by everything”. Its must be exhausting to be on the lookout for things to be offended by 24/7. Do you crowdsource your outrage search or do you all have a fire watch schedule and take turns being on the lookout for things that might be

Yeah, I got it. She’s a male who identifies as a woman.

i guess you missed the part about where i was skimming through the story. Here’s how my process went:

1. Opened article and read headline

More importantly, where the fuck can a guy stream King of the Hill?

This was definitely a thread where I should not have blindly copy-and-pasted and I’m sorry I frakked up in this one.

Nah it was not necessary and I shouldn’t have given you an attitude. I will willingly admit I done frakked up in this thread. My apologies.

I’m going to disagree with this (and a lot of fed up women would agree with me, even if they’re uncomfortable saying so in public). Men are male, women are female, but both sexes can be masculine, feminine or androgynous. Some people substitute “sex role” for “gender”, and it seems to work. It’s possible people are

Her Twitter account bio says “She/Her/Hers”. I really doubt she would have that there if she were just a mannish looking woman and not trans. She wants people to know her preferred pronouns.

So basically, you’re saying that you’re fine with both:

He does have to be a entitled asshole to everyone on this comment section because reasons. (I assume they are also trans/know trans people who are SO offended ALL THE TIME he must correct EVERYONE!

this comment is not helping anything, stop

i guess i did miss that. saw a picture of a guy and read the name amanda as i was skimming through. you don’t have to be a jackass about it, though. it’s an honest mistake.

Wow. Dude, I made a typing error, but is that really necessary?

I am confused. If Amanda was indeed a terrorist or looking to cause trouble, what would have turning the shirt inside out and taking off her hat do?

Just to clarify, “I wonder if that’s the whole story” =/= racist apologist.

Well, if he had been a mathematics professor this wouldn’t have happe—, oh wait.

My guess is that picture was taken with a Samsung Note.

This is just horrible and unacceptable! The movie isn’t even out yet.

I believe that look is “shit, she’s filming this, this will be a thing.”