
Have you read the Injustice tie-in comics? Because Alfred’s moments alone make those worth it.


Kind of reflects Whis’s personality really. It’s a fairly modest symbol given the fact that he’s the strongest being in the 7th universe.

You can also kind of just interpret it as he’s the strongest so there’s no need for a complicated insignia to represent himself, he just doesn’t give a shit

Co-ed showers are kind of Verhoeven’s thing.

I like to think that Robocop, Total Recall and Starship Troopers are a trilogy that all take place in the same universe, at different periods in the decline of future society.

Added wrinkle: the book was basically advocating the militarism and fascism that the movie mocks. So Verhoeven’s satire wasn’t just trolling Hollywood and the viewer, he was trolling Heinlein’s source material as well.

“It’s advocating co-ed showers.”

This movie has aged better than my exes. Hi-yo!

I would like to know more.

Plus NPH’s military intelligence outfit is, like, straight up Nazi. The other movies may be trash, and this might be a “terrible” adaption of the book, but it’s a great film once you get what’s really going on.

You never had me. You never had your car.

It’s like a dog farting and then staring at its own ass in confusion.

Firas’ video is great. The arm positioning stuff he talks about is really enlightening.

You’re giving her way too much credit. If there is a rematch it will be another blood bath. Rousey exposed that she doesn’t know how to box... at all. She is 28. It’s way too late for her to build up her stand up fighting game. This is the end of her MMA career. She will pull a Gina Carano.

I know, but it bothers me that it’s actually written as such. If it were just in dialog, I’d have no issue, but...

This. For me it would be Reach, ODST, 1, 3, 2, and 4 from best to worst. That list is different for everyone, though.

That wasn’t just in Portuguese, that’s everywhere. This is different.

Dragon Ball Super is a blast. It's not some high brow masterpiece or anything, but it's exciting to watch. Certainly not one of the worst anime though.

Pretty sure its Mr Satans exaggeration of how he just saved the world from Beerus to the media. Like what he did with Cell.

No. That’s what I’m paying the “few hundred dollars for”.