What a douche.... IF you want to talk FACTS us white boys get our ass kicked and killed WAY more than anyone of color. BUT thats only of you want numbers and not bs hype.
so it weighs less than a loaded semi
it has rubber coated tracks for safe street driving.
This “may” be less than musk expected but lets face reality. This is normal for tesla, delay delay delay or do you all have very short memories?
I can’t believe the fucked up society we live in. Many of the comments boil down to fuck the rich guy cause you know he’s rich. NO fuck you and take some personal responsability for your shit and actions douche.
A true wrench would not even be having this discussion and all the bs evidence you present. If your so full of youself call your engine a motor. We will still laugh at you.
We all know there is no such thing as the blue screen of death AND computers NEVER get a glitch ever right? Now where did i leave my bullshit meter?
No....the modern navy is powered by steam. The nuclear reactor is used for heat.
unclear if excessive speed was a factor? you have got to be shitting me! unless the speed limit on the back road was 125clicks which i very much doubt!
bullshit mohammed get a fucking free pass more new cars they are a bane on the enviroment. rebuild reuse restore Hows that for an answer
Ok smart ass get working on my fiat 500e. I want more power amd range lets see what you got. Other than bullshiting us online. Hell ill give you my car for a month so lets make yours and mine fantasy world come true? Some how i dont tbink so.........
Bullshit im not rich. I bought a fiat500e off lease for 6200. Its used as a primary commuter and errand runner. Momma has her car i have my truck. You dont have to be rich just smart.
You REALLY dont know your history do you? Slavery was how you were taught about the war. Not true, the war was about the north stealing the economics of the south. The south wanted to walk away from the union. AFTER 2 years of fighting THEN the emansipation proclimation came done and THEN it was aboit slavery. The…
I was born here.....that makea me a NATIVE america. Or did you mean American Indians who themselves were not native ro this land.
Grab a clue....if you ban history YOU will repeat it.
Who gives a fuck! EVERYTHING offends some asshole some where. Jesus christ just all you winey aholes melt already and grow a fucking pair. Get OVER yourselves already. How about this? Im offended your offended HA such bullshit. Society has disinigrated to the lowest common denominator/ winer
Do NOT fucking kid yourself......its ALL about money. The enviroment angle is their bullshit reason to get people to buy it. And lots of morons will.