Did you bother to go to journalist school? Or is it impossible for you to express yourself in a public arena without vulgarities. I’m no prude but you are definitely NOT a professional.
Did you bother to go to journalist school? Or is it impossible for you to express yourself in a public arena without vulgarities. I’m no prude but you are definitely NOT a professional.
The cat 797B is ACTUALLY a hybrid!!!!
Not real sure WHAT vid you were watching but I saw a slide not a spin.
I know this one. Ive been a Studebaker owner for many years. STP was part of a huge industrial complex owned by Studebaker. Studebaker wasn’t just a car company. Any way the “ORIGINAL” name of STP was “Studebaker Test Products” When Studebaker the corporation was breaking up it sold off STP to Andy Granitteli. And…
And lets make sure to use the model of tesla that cost twice as much as the kitty.
BINGO!!!! thank you for pointing out the obvious that everyone forgets. Oh and if you want true apples to apples they should be testing the model 70 against the kitty.
It never ceases to amaze me. You ALWAYS compare the MOST expensive tesla to the hellcat. Yea you could almost buy TWO hellcats. How about apples and apples. Compare the Model 70 single motor to the hellcat. Its only a couple k over the cost of the kitty. Oh and the kitty will scratch the headlights out of the 70. But…
THANK YOU now I don’t have to say it.
Unapologetic bigot? It NEVER fails to amaze me how intolerant the left is. THANK YOU for rubberstamping that some of the MOST intolerant are on the left. If you don’t like someone elses view you become almost obscene in your blatant attacks. Wouldn’t it be a nice change of pace if “reporters” reported from the center…
Holy crap does the guy in the white Dakota need someone to teach him how to drive a stick? How many times did he kill it. I'm guessing he don't tow with it and has no idea how to slide the clutch.
Oh my god this is child’s play. The dam video is time stamped. Moron is on the phone in the video. You know the tower and time go look at the records and you KNOW who he is. This is NOT rocket science!
So journalism school taught you that the only way you can express yourself in a public forum is with vulgarity? Best you demand your money back from that school. Or is it you have never been to school and feel its your “right” to talk as you please because its the internet? One day you may actually grow up.
half-empty bag of rancid tapioca Donald Trump ... OMG and here I thought this was an automotive information website not a place for every douche bag to spew his political tripe. MAYBE you should go somewhere else for that kind of bs? You don’t see me spewing this kind of crap no matter what candidate I want. Oh maybe…
WOW that was a SERIOSLY long advertisement for Zero. Jesus.
so basically your an asshole, if you don't like it ban it fuck everyone else
The very simple fact is the EPA is not law but bureaucrats. Do NOT kid yourself if they can fuck you they will. Plain and simple they don’t have to answer to anyone. And that’s the way law makers want it. They don’t have to take the heat for the epa’s over the top stupidity.
4x4, suregrips front and rear, steel studded tires....... just get the he’ll out of my way. Some of us know how to handle this slight bump in weather.
How’s that superiority complex work in for you?
If peckerwood jackasses are your thing just turn your “high powered microscope” around and have a look at the king ass
Lincoln Continental/ Battle Barge although its a cool lookin barge.