
@sylvie calls shotgun!!: I don't get over here much but good writing is worth the trip. So anyway, in what is probably my first Deadspin comment, let me speak on behalf of irredeemable asses. You, my dear, give the club a bad name.

@hortense: Great observation. Brand (off-stage) lacks his typical brio on this side of the pond. And Katy just seems blah.

Now playing

@Thinking Allowed: Do you know who Big Jim Slade is? I'll bet the SNL writers do? I think they ripped off the idea from here.

Apple is now at that point that families who name their kids with cute names face. Kevin and Keisha. Fine. Kevin and Keisha and Karen and Karl. No. Kevin and Keisha and Karen and Karl and Kaylee. Oh, shut up. (Also an argument for not having five kids.)

@deitybox: I was thinking the same thing. The Meryl-gets-all-the-awards joke must rankle.

Creepy 9/11 vibe to the goose bit. Is that just me?

I'm not a Seth Myers fan but props are due for that.

@titansfan78: This may be the single stupidest comment I have ever seen on a Gawker blog.

The unfunny didn't surpise me. Actually the racist didn't either. When are we going to have a discussion about the constant homophobia on the show too

Next stop: The Great Wall of China, for the Rape of Nanking shoot.

About the risky sexual behavior, isn't that is a symptom of many things, depression among them? And isn't weight gain and loss also a symptom of depression? I hate studies like that because the find some data, tease an unsupported conclusion about it, and wait for the press to report it as fact. #crackerbarrel

@MechaMech: Haha! Guys think with their dicks too often but I bet Levi's dick actually has a higher IQ than he does. #levijohnstontwitter

I swear to God, my fear of heights kicked in just looking at that photo. #rachelstomb

I suppose most of us have made bad romantic choices at some point but come on! What did you think when you decided to date Jon G? Talk about having a dossier on the guy. Don't get me wrong, the guy should be Bobbitted, but think, Girly! #jongosselinhaileyglassman

Fuck Polanski. The rape continues of this woman because that tiny-dicked little man didn't stay around to face the music. Rotting in hell isn't good enough for that bastard. #samanthageimer

@ardentlilac: I was at the Blue Bird Cafe not too long ago with a friend whose parents live near there. I think that's right there.Very cool.

Obsession comes in all shapes and sizes and it's usually not healthy. #tyramenobesewomen