
I wish more small busted questions got answered. Sometimes I feel like the only girl with a small chest. Like the review sections of American Apparel are exclusively filled with people claiming to have DD’s and a 24 inch waist. Like, am I really the only one without boobs?

I went through several doctors who thought I was crazy and just grasping at straws. There is an obvious correlation if I had never had BV once until I had the mirena, had it 9 FUCKING TIMES while I did have it in, and never had it again once it was removed. Doctors will tell you that many people get it when they first

For me, I have been fortunate enough to only have this issue when I had an iud. I had mine removed and have never had it since (two whole years later, not even once!). What I would do is insert one after sex, then 1 day later popping in one of those cold yogurt cubes the author described above to kind of add a little

Oh and my doctor acted as if I was a fucking idiot too. I was so happy to shove it in her stupid face that I cured it myself no thanks to her. She STILL doubted the boric acid. I have a new doctor now.

Boric Acid girl! A boric acid suppository in vegetable glycerin capsules changed my life. Try it. It is the ONLY FUCKING THING that got rid of my BV brought on by my IUD.

I would not be down with my man hanging out with John Mayer.

I don’t! I actually have huge eyelids without any hint of a hood. It’s so weird! But hot tip regardless.

(though I had to actually buy the liner from bloomingdales. Does sephora not carry it for some reason? I couldn’t find it!)

ho ho will do! the 10 dollar flash sale for year round free 2 day shipping at Sephora was the best/worst decision I have ever made.


Thank you by the way! I ordered yesterday and can’t wait!

Oh it really irritates my skin badly. It burns. I have used most of their products and found them, “meh” at best. Then later I understood why based upon some reviews. I am so very sorry I don’t like your favorite skin care line?

She gives plenty of other products good reviews despite her own line making me side eye an obvious bias. Mario’s glycolic toner is basically water compared to the much better peter thomas roth or DDF one. I think they look cute on the shelf, but their products are pretty much placebo when they aren’t actually

It’s not a good thing if the ingredients themselves are rendered ineffective by the poor jar packaging and incorrect ph level. That drying lotion is no better than prison toothpaste. Camphor? On a zit? Only if you want to irritate it and make sure it scars. I like the price point for sure, but the products just simply

Agreed! I used to use those before my CVS was selling the big Jason pump top tea tree gel washes buy one get one free. I now have 8.

That’s what I am seeing with my angled brush from LM-it is STIFF. I have been YELLING. I want a perfect winged cat eye and mine always looks uneven and bumpy!

So I bought the laura mercier pot and the angled brush. I’m only 31, so I don’t have crazy crows feet or anything, yet I cannot do this without skipping. I even screamed in frustration last week. How do you ladies get these perfect winged liners? I would love some help.

Have you tried oil washing? I use Josie Marans argan oil cleanser and it takes my makeup off and leaves it smooth!

Mario Badesceu has the worst reviews on beautypedia (Paula Begeoun aka Cosmetic cop). She is able to name the harsh, ineffective and troublesome ingredients in each product AND identify that the PH in each isn’t appropriate for even making it effective. Like the glycolic acid toner. The Ph renders the entire product