
You should start a shoestring travel blog!

I'll tell you right now, no one is doubting your Egyptian deal

Gah! I'll bet April O'Neill doesn't have many female friends because girls are too catty and she gets along with men better : /


CUE: MRA dudes upset about the sexism of women's only cab services and how it hurts their freedom and they are the real victims of violent crime false rape threats

Yes! Except Dunham who has a famous mom. I still like the show.

Look, I watch a lot of Discovery ID, and mitochondrial DNA isn't always a reliable source of data. It's not inconclusive.

Only a narcissistic misogynist could read, "stop messaging me" as *trying to get attention*

Stannis is NOT your favorite character. Even if he is, he isn't. Refuse to believe.

I have fantasies about teaching white girls how to interact with their black friends, coworkers and strangers. I think first on the list would be not touching their hair. As a white girl, I certainly find anyone touching my hair to be intimate, so why would anyone else feel differently? I will never forget being 7

"Cheerleaders will still be designated jack-off fodder paid minimum wage and expected to pay all game related expenses out of pocket lol ok"


Best People

Questions to ask yourself before saying you have an Inner Black Woman: 1) Are you Teena Marie? If you answered 'NO' to this question, then you do not have an Inner Black Woman

God was a very petty hater. I think there are many who would argue that his behavior is about love. In fact, God was all about spiteful retribution. It's kind of no wonder that the bible teaches so many people who go on to act like Rick Santorum and this awful dude above-it's all in the scripture.

Another reason I am pleased as punch that my son is going to a high school without a solitary sports team.

I think this is more indicative of how parents tend to coddle the fuck up child and serve as their enabler/crutch. I have seen this play out in my friend's families across all genders. My boyfriend raises his daughter full time because the baby's mama is a royal deadbeat loser, but we get to hear from her mom once

I am going to officially say it: this show was SO STUPID. It was a bad show. You realized who the culprit was, like, immediately. Luther. Now THAT'S how a detective drama is done, ok.

Oh ok-such a sad story! I wanted to make sure that this was not recent as that is the most against the law shit I ever heard.

Oh ew! That particular action is how we know this has nothing to do with protecting life and everything to do about shaming girls for having sex.