
Ugh! When I told my doctor about my severe bladder irritation happening right after my mirena insertion, even though I had BV twice already, and a very painful yeast infection, she was unwilling to admit that the mirena had anything to do with my irritation. So why the hell did it feel better 2 hours after its

I agree-expect paragard WILL make your periods much more intense. Not recommended for anyone with severe cramping issues.

Not so. Many women spot for months and months. So, you may not have a period, but some women have to wear panty liners and light tampons every dang day.

I fainted too, and I have had a baby and am fairly even when it comes to pain. Fairly stoic during tattoos, etc. The iud insertion was without a doubt one of the worst pains I have ever experienced.

Lucky you! I have had a baby and I swear I'd rather give birth than get an iud inserted again.

It's the string. The cotton fibers invite bacteria. Many women complain they constantly smell unfresh as a result. I have never hated a bc more than my IUD, and the day I had it removed I almost cried from happiness.

I was extremely unhappy with my mirena and had it taken out after 4 months. A horror story of problems actually! Not only did it give me CONSTANT bladder irritation, and none of my doctors believed it was linked to the mirena (fun!), but I immediately received a nice case of bacterial vaginosis that was reoccurring

Outrage culture. This was cute and personable.


It's funny, but this doesn't even look real.

And, also, what a keeper. So sweet.

Totally! Honestly, a lot of my son's conditioning to viewing girls as his equal have been learned through having his ass whooped by his cool as hell gamer girl friends. Unlike, say football, this is an activity where the girls and guys can play together and the playing field is leveled. It *can* be such an amazing

Even my 13 year old son complains about how difficult it is for his gamer gal pals to stream on without creeps sexually harassing them OR calling into question their legitimate gamer status. He mentioned a consistent comment is something along the lines of , "Stop trying to impress your boyfriend"-You're

I had you pegged completely wrong-I thought you were a misogynistic troll given your comments on Jezebel but now I'm thinking you may just draw issue with the outrage culture over there. I have argued numerous times that Jezebel tends to hurt the feminist movement more than help. The constant contradiction is very

It warms my heart to see a man shoot another one down over this misogynistic gamer girl dismissal nonsense. You are a peach, really. Thanks for the smile.

What happened in CA? Your ellipses is killing me!

So are you saying she should definitely leave her baby in a car, and that everyone should definitely not be concerned about leaving babies in cars? The baby was fine. So what better time to say, one last time, with enthusiasm, "Never leave your baby in the car." Even if they are finally asleep. No one deserves to

My issue is with the hyperbole and catch phrases for such a serious and somber story. It takes away the power when the author inserts herself in so much of someone else's tragedy.

Thank you! I may actually want to switch because Ortho Tri Cyclen is really exacerbating my migraines HARD.

You, IRL