You know you are a fucking idiot, right?
You know you are a fucking idiot, right?
Thank you! Good tip! We were just forwarded a photo of her passed out, foaming at the mouth, covered in mud from blacking out and falling down a riverbank at a BBQ-Time stamped on a day she canceled on watching her daughter because she, "needed adult time" So perhaps this might not be the fight he thinks it will…
Sacramento, Ca if you have any recommendations!
So, I have a little insight on this I have never had. These people are the worst, but my boyfriend is the parent to a little 4 year old girl who has a mother that abandoned her to be a professional party animal. She sees her once a month and is all around a miserable, psychotic, alcoholic, narcissist. He is…
She also said women are too. Why don't you re-read her post. Actually, re-read your life to examine why you are so defensive about the possibility that some men might be a problem in the lives of women. I highly doubt you are willing to argue that men don't rape or beat the shit out of them, or that men are equally…
Oh please! You took a snippet out of a full sentence and used it to uphold your misguided personal belief. Yes, SOME MEN ARE A PROBLEM. Are you willing to admit that NO MEN rape, murder, abuse and stalk other women? I fucking love men. I have a son, I have a boyfriend, and a badass single dad who raised me after…
Yes, I have taught my son about consent. Is that wrong? Should I have just rolled the dice? Similarly, my boyfriend teaches his daughter about respect for men and women alike. Should we just free range our kids and hope for the best?
So are you willing to argue that women are never attacked, never raped and never abused? What do you get out of being convinced that our fear is for attention? You think every woman wants to feel oppressed? I don't understand your train of thought at all. A woman was raped 6 blocks from my home last week. You…
I literally just told you that we fucking know that not all men are sexual predators, so lets pretend you didn't muck up the actual comment and let me counter with, "who cares!"-I definitely don't take it to heart when a psycho MRA posts something about all women being gold digging whores, because he is insane. I…
"basically said"
Thank you. My existential crisis has reached full Caulfield and I just want to crawl into a hole now. I am actually weary from all this. Dead behind the eyes and such.
Bullshit and you know it. But good job victimizing yourself based on nothing. You do realize we have fathers, son's, husbands, male friends and brothers right? We fucking know that not all men are sexual predators, I mean shit.
No no, I think you are onto something really swell. I fantasize about the feminism movement transcending into this dismantling of the patriarchy movement made up of equal parts men and women where we both can express that we have fucking had it. I am sick of being scared to walk outside at night and I am sick of men…
I sincerely thought this would be the tipping point but I have unfriended at least 17 people after they chose to defend that men are just as oppressed as women and don't deserve their own discussion. I just don't understand it. I don't understand what they get from denying our plight, or why we cannot have one…
I wish that was completely true, but I hear you! Unfortunately feminism is still a dirty word among the ladies. Women post on MRA boards too and it always carries this air of, "See, I'm one of the good ones!"-Some of the most misogynistic pieces of shit I have ever met have been women.
A feminist could argue that the whole dang world is your playground to stomp all around on.
You know that isn't true. Boy Scouts? All boys private schools? C'mon now.
Just to clarify, it isn't an argument. It's a joke. Because every time we try to have a discussion about violence against women a very helpful man flies in to say, "Not all men!", derails our conversation, and condescends us because WE KNOW THAT
Don't feed the trolls! We have to have at least ONE discourse not derailed by men who would rather defend their gender than be a part of the solution.