
Interesting! I had the same run down during the same years, and I live in a super libruhl area. I also had a baby at 16 so lol to the government for being so super smart on that abstinence only trip

Curious: Doesn't that violate a federal monies law? Even in California you can't do comprehensive sex ed unless you want federal money for your school.

You likely sat through a sex-ed course highlighting puberty and the sexual organs. What they are talking about is comprehensive sex ed which includes a discussion of contraception, STD rates and information on how to protect thyself. I don't know your age, but you likely didn't sit through that because it became

Over 100 minutes? Try 200 minutes. Those poor parents waiting in line for 3-4 hours, essentially wasting a huge chunk of the money it takes to get into Disneyland were pitiful. We just told our little one that shit was closed. Nope.

Ugly shirt, but I do appreciate the True Romance nod. Even though it will fill me with rage when I see the 18 year old state college sorority brat wearing this who has no clue how bad ass Patricia Arquette is.

I kind of get what she is saying here. A lot of feminism focuses on our identities as separate from the gender in which we are attracted to, but many women choose a life of domesticity-important for feminism too. My boyfriend and I are both feminists, but I like to cook, make our lunches, get his coffee ready in the

FUN STORY: I knew someone who worked at Wastelands in LA and he felt a knocking on his back. He turns around all WHAT THE FUCK to see Johnny Depp standing with an 8-ball cane. His assistant says, "Mr. Depp would like to see some jeans"

Pro-Choice. Anti-Choice. I want to end the phrase Pro-Life.

Haha, something we can both agree on for sure.

Also, I didn't know anything about his penchant for seducing undergrads, but it makes sense if Palo Alto is supposed to be memoiresque.

Good point! I just feel like this is WAY too convenient. Do you follow him on insta? The weeks prior have all been pics about the undergrad seduction aspect of Palo Alto and this whole scandal is just making me do the Larry David once over.

Actually he does. Palo Alto is not at all well known. It's considered a smaller film with a smaller budget, thus there are no commercials airing. Yes he can go on a press junket because he's James Franco, but he's unorthodox and creative. Celebrities do this ALL THE TIME. Have you read Palo Alto? The story the

Are you familiar with the phrase, "No such thing as bad publicity?"

His PR person is stoked! This was all done to promote Palo Alto, a movie about an illicit affair with an undergrad.

No one is listening to me when I saw that we all got francoed and this is a publicity stunt to promote Palo Alto. This did not happen. This was a well crafted scandal courtesy of Franco, his PR team and a paid fan.

Hey ya'll got Francoed! This is clearly a publicity stunt to promote Palo Alto where he has an affair with an undergrad. He has been posting stuff on insta all week about illicit undergrad affairs, etc. This didn't happen! He obviously got some fan to go in on this with him, and it's workin.

My friend is a representative of the California Homeless Youth Association in Sacramento (I'm nearly positive I got the name of her affiliation incorrect) and she updated us that about 15 grand has been raised for her and her family. Sigh. Sometimes people give me the feels.

I still don't see the problem here! And the context was totally human. She said that she goes on a detox cleanse, cutting out caffeine, gluten and sugar whenever she is feeling puffy or low. Hell, I as a lowly peasant just did this in January. I don't think this is any example of out of touch elitism. She never said

I haven't ever understood the Gwyn hate. She is out of touch, but I have seriously SCOURED the goop website for any insinuation that she is better than us. Her recommendations are ridic, but if anything, she just reminds me of the loveably clueless trust fund friend who does not understand why we don't all just quit

You're also completely ignoring how I didn't FEEL that a man yelled about my tits from his car. He DID yell about my tits from a car. And thus Rik, we have a fact. Sure, you don't believe me, but it seems to me you really think thousands upon thousands upon thousands of women are just making shit up. You didn't