
It’s for a ticket to Argentina and a couple months rent.

They often age poorly look at Stephen Miller.

“going to be”? have you ever heard of a place called Charlottesville? “degenerate” is a favorite alt-right/neo-nazi term of abuse

Hey, I’m in that “baby-boomer” class and I despise Trump with a white-hot passion. But true, all my racist family think I am insane.

What a free thinker. Real dragon energy. Excited for his upcoming mixtape with Kanye.

This guy needs some legal marijuana and free education to better himself.

Alright internet, who’s up for an actual Witch-Hunt to do some ahem “Investigative journalism” and pull out all dirt on this guy?

I honestly think there’s going to be violence from these people. They are so deep in an echo chamber that uses incitement as both a political and money-making tool and can’t stop doing so. They already dehumanize basically anyone that isn’t just like them. Combine incitement, racism, privilege, and a cult of

There’s something familiar about this guy’s fervor. It’s like he needs a uniform and some impressionable youth. Maybe he could give them some sort of knife if they break the required number of windows.

But, really, guys, it’s all about economic insecurity.

You have to be a trust fund baby to survive unpaid internship. Privilege affirmative action.

Scorn and mockery is all the people in that room deserved.

Shes not wrong and for anyone who’s listened to how harsh Wolf talks about things like Harvey Weinstein when doing guest appearance, it souldda been obvious she would swing for the fences

“I used to support it but its taking down successful black men and I’m not with it.

Use your boot straps, Ewick. Begging is for poor people and loser liebruls.

Man, you gotta get the Lotto Jackpot Winner DLC for that one. Changes the entire nature of the gameplay.

There’s an easy fix for all of that, go to Ikea while wearing a nice blue polo shirt. Then, never leave.

I’m playing a super shitty game called Adulthood. It starts by going to IKEA this evening after I get off work and, if you can imagine, gets worse from there. Tomorrow morning, early as all fuck, there’s a 1 year old’s birthday party. Then the stuff from IKEA? That needs to be put together. Dinner with in-laws. Sunday

Entitled, don’t forget the entitled part. And pathetic.