I'm just glad their kids weren't around to see that.
I'm just glad their kids weren't around to see that.
Epsilon Iota is a nonfrat (or fauxternity, if you will)
Great article Erin but you could have just said that they suffered from mass affluenza and will end up in cushy finance and law jobs or terrorizing their employees as middle-managers at their parents' companies.
'"It's an adventure game! It's mass market! It's the anti-Doom! We have to crush this game!" "'What is this?!…
I'm an aspiring graphic artist/programmer (Can't call myself one because my skills are severely lacking, also I'm self-taught so improving just takes more time)
What seems to be missing is:
The worst was that stupid "What ____ thinks I do / What I really do" meme that was blowing up everyone's Facebook feed a few years ago. In addition to being a really lame forced meme, it was unbelievably narcissistic because the entire premise is based on the poster's assumption that their friends and family spend…
Man, it doesn't feel like it was that long ago but it certainly has been awhile.
I also have to confess I miss that time. I was rarely active, but it was nice to see comments so heavily filtered and some really great conversations and much, much less of this BS.
Honestly, I'm kind of alarmed by the lack of action the staff takes at times when it comes to things like this.
Hoping something like this will force them to view it and start considering to take action, because yeah.
The new kinja comment system is ugly... but there is less worst version. Just add "?tiger=off" at the end of URL and you are back to the old system.
Mostly they are unkillable. I have no idea how they did it.
"Kweh-pons," for discerning Chocobo shoppers everywhere.
Do you read Polygon? My understanding is that while he's on vacation this week, he'll be starting as their weekend editor, later this month.
I use video games to escape politics. This could ruin that for me.
Excuse my ignorance, but what is Homeworld.
I initially agreed, but it provides a valuable service. It keeps a particular kind of obsessive nerd occupied so the rest of us can live a better life.
Yep. I'm stuck in a bunch of arguments about the "tone" of this guy and this girl. That's really hard to argue about.