
She reminds me of this little fuck that used to live in our neighborhood. Would start shit, call people names, throw shit at you, then run away. He was a fast little bastard, too, so once you gave up on trying to catch him, he’d turn around and start his shit again immediately. The one time I finally got a hold of him

Good point. I had all but forgotten how smug and dickish he can be. Haven’t watched it in years for that reason.

She’s almost certainly smarter than Alex, definitely far more educated, and is probably less likely to be an asshole off-camera.

I wish I could make out what ol’ Mashed Taters up there was screaming when she went storming in there.

gallon jug of whole milk

That was for Melania.  Melania is a half-wit.

On the left, an illegal immigrant con artist grifter enabler plagiarizer.

I believe the word you’re looking for to describe her and all other Republicans who shamelessly and pathetically submit to Trump regardless of the horrid personal shit he does to them is “cuck.”

Ted Cruz is the perfect example of inherent Republican cuckoldry: Trump attacks Cruz’s wife in the most petty and vile ways

I had a nightmare a few nights ago that I saw Christmas commercials on TV on July 5th.

My wife and I combined make nearly that much. 70% of that is her salary. We have a $1400/mo mortgage (we pay $250 extra) and we sure as shit do not have $12,000 left over each month, as much as I wish that was true. After pre-tax stuff (retirement, insurance, etc.), my wife brings home just over $4k /mo. Also, about

Wow, must be nice for your pay to increase “because of the economy.”  I’m definitely in the wrong line of work. But I’ve known that all along.

Wait, which version, Killary or Shillary?

I believe these towns are participating in what we call Natural Selection. As ye sow, so shall ye reap, gullible racist half-wits.

Gladys Kravitz Nosy Ass Neighbor Bifocals from 1964

Think about that: the most shameful thing in the world to these cops is blackness.

He doesn’t need Koch money. He gets all the high-interest loans he needs for his shitty business ideas from Russia.

Trying to figure out why this even happened. Here’s my guess:

These guys are trained to fight in a specific way against other guys who fight in a specific way and expect their opponents to also fight in that specific way. I just needed to get “specific” in there 3 times for some reason.

Good. That’s what you get when you openly treat people like shit. Dude’s a grown-ass man and knows better. Fuck him. Hell, if he really wants to start up his business again, he just needs to move to a southern city and he’ll be welcomed with open, racist arms.

I would MUCH rather have someone’s uncle from Zimbabwe than someone’s uncle from somewhere like, say, Chechnya.