Sorry you like a terrible candidate.
Sorry you like a terrible candidate.
There’s tons of good reasons to upgrade.
Shhh.... Keep letting them think it’s free and not built into the price. Walled gardens are SO PRETTY!
how is it free, you pay a huge premium for the system and up until a few years ago they charged too.
“Nintendo’s not sending their best Pokémon over. They're sending their zubats, their weedles, their magikarps...some, I assume, are Pidgeottos."
“Pokemon Go? More Like Pokemon Get The Fuck Off My Lawn And Take Your Hippity Hop Music With You”
-Sen. Bernie Sanders.
I’ll wait for the video footage on this one.
Isn’t Roger Ailes deserving of a Trump-style descriptor when Jez writes about him or is that simply too exhausting a prospect to consider?
It’s easy to assume that there are no choices when you don’t know enough to make a choice. Trump knows so little, everything seems straightforward to him.
Also: Petronella’s design makes her look like a piece of bread with wings.
You’ve been very lucky with your bosses if this doesn’t ring true to you.
A government funded news source faking footage as propaganda. Why is this not surprising? I am sure when N. Korea does it they say it is more patriotic as well.
When I’m rolling in that Nigerian royalty money, I’ll be having the last laugh.
The news agencies seem to be falling for “internet pranks” at a higher rate than email pen-pals with deposed Nigerian Princes.
Unless the water is contaminated by petroleum deposits.
Until you create a giant sinkhole and the Central Valley collapses under its own weight.
Glad to see that desalinization is too expensive, but drilling half a mile or more underground makes perfect sense.
Worth it. Almonds just taste better when I know that a child is thirsty because of me.
I miss the Far Side :(
You should probably avoid Australia and most Trump rallies then.