
Training first and foremost... then given enough individuals with poor training you are bound to get this kind of thing happening. I know Jim Gavin personally who was attacked politically within the LAPD structure for pointing out that they probably wrongly convicted a guy. The reality is that police are taught to

Just sharing the other side over and over. No purpose to my actions just spreading knowledge that it happens to white people too.

#Alllivesmatter lmao.

No, because the police are hired individuals trained by the state on a set of responsibilities while black people are just people from all walks of life separate entirely from a professional union... You can blame teachers for having poor success rates in teaching kids but you can’t blame an entire race for the

That is your interpretation and it is fine. But once again I ask... what does this add to the conversation? Even in respect to these separate instances the black women was treated significantly worse.

My overarching point was that black people are treated worse by the government. You have done nothing but try and

Truth. These cops are rapists end of the story. We need to take a line from Georgia following the fall of the USSR and just fire all the cops caught participating in these events. Just fire them... no union or anything just let them go. Given proper hiring methods and enough time things would get better.

Oh kay. What is your point here? Are you trying to argue that it is as likely to happen to white people? Are you just stating it happens to white people also? Your comment is meaningless because of course they are both horrible.

What is the greater truth here? Or are you just trying to deracialize an issue and make it

True, but did you hear the details of the story. She was held down by officers and had a hand inserted into her. The devil is in the details. They dehumanized her entirely and turned her into an object to be prodded absent of rights.

Lol, and people still want to act like their isn’t a difference in how the races are treated by the government. Horrifying and dehumanizing should be the new service motto of the police.

Yeah, sorry. I forgot to include the major document as I had to drive myself to work. You have to pay for it to see it but it outlines the data supporting the limits to growth argument. The document above supports the pillars of one their structural instability precursors. The idea that those in power are unable to

Here is an easy start. I won’t even link the study itself. But it more than supports my argument of the political class being out of touch. Not that it makes sense for you to need evidence to back that up. I will send you a link to the limits of growth later.…

One of the precursors for an unstable system is an inability of the political class to pass laws in response to oncoming crisis. The next major crisis is going to be a lack of resources. Our planet cannot handle one more doubling of the population without significant investment in sustainable systems. The political

You probably characterize the situation from a standard neo-classical economic + social theory approach. I will counter that argument with a philosophical hypothetical that applies to our resource usage and creates an imperative for action.

If we have a pond with lily pads that double every day... It is a large pond...

All choices are limited by knowledge but without action to capitalize on those opportunities you are just an informed coward. Knowing what needs to be done but unable to do it. A revolutionary without action is just a liberal who hopes for things to get better.

It was as Marx predicted so many years ago. There is a limit to exploitation. I am hoping that the clever ones amongst us built perma culture societies with the purpose of transitioning to a more stable system. But more likely mad max.

Except this time it is linked to every other major economy. It will at least be funny to watch all the boomers lose their wealth because they were too focused on obtaining it rather than stabilizing it.

Knowledge just is the precursor to any choice. All choices are limited by knowledge but that is only have the battle. Once you have the knowledge you have to embrace a revolutionary attitude. To give up an aspect of yourself so that you can labor unending to improve the world with your knowledge. To do any less leads

The crisis is here. Didn’t you here about china’s stock market crashing? Heh... as a Marxist I have a unique viewpoint into the economic situation and the crisis is already here. They haven’t put in place any measures to stop the financial sector from generating fictitious capital ala the Glass Stegall act passed

It’s cool. I scoot around ya in my fiat and brake check ya a bit before speeding off. Makes me lol.

Yeah but this is a half measure. It is the height of liberalism to know that we could do better but to settle for less. You have to take a hard shift left and be willing to put more of yourself out there if you want real structural change. It is very likely that we will have to labor up these new systems ourselves.

The older generations want to hold on to political power. The younger generations are disenfranchised from the system. The limits to growth are coming in ~15 years. Automation is shoving people out of work without equivalent returns on social programs.

The best part of it is that we get to live through it. I only hope