
Lucky for you, but not so down here in New Zealand

And yet no love for those outside the US =(

I see what you did there =). But then again, the best camera is the one that is with you, regardless of how blurry it is

Pun recognition fail


This is Microsoft winning, in my opinion. Good job

Oh man, another thing that I have to sign up to?

OMG, Blue. Webbing. Get me one now!

Why isn't this article the main one for the email newsletter? Good read, thanks for that

100% Agreed, please somebody with a star promote this guy. You got my heart-click, sir

That was the first thing I thought of too. Damn that was a crappy movie though

Me? I'm going to remain optimistic - hopefully it will push laptop makers towards building touchscreens into their laptops.

Pixel Qi, forget about making your screens for laptops, concentrate on accurate reproduction of colours so that I can get one on my DSLR pronto!

All I want, is for Windows 8 to cost less than NZ$100. That is all

I see what you mean; I think this is way to disco-y too, but I guess it wouldn't be hard to modify the code so that there is a delay in sampling the screen, and give smooth transitions while changing colours. The main point is that someone is doing it and making it work, which is pretty cool

That's because I'm running CM6 on my trust old G1, and 4.5mb is probably a 5th of my total internal memory =/

It has definitely happened to me, and I'm in the same sort of situation as you - using Flick Note on the G1. Not only deleted notes, but also 'duplicates' (when you try to delete one, both vanish). Gonna try out Evernote, although I'm sad that the install size for the Android app is 4.5mb =(

Looks claustrophobic... and not at all asshole-proof

OMG Microsoft bought Skype!!! Wait wut?

The Tobolowsky Files, hands down!