
Reminds me of Zombies ate my Neighbors.

Don’t preorder games does not extend to hardware. I always preorder hardware.

Dat Tracer ass

I agree about the lack of tech tree! Sometimes I end up researching something I don’t really need because I’m afraid if I don’t jump on it at just that moment I’ll lose it forever.

we’re sure this isnt god tier liv moore, from izombie, right?

All you thirsty people need Talos.

It sounds heartless, but the only correct answer is the one that Mercedes gave. Would any of us give up control to a car that doesn’t prioritize the survivability of its occupants over anything else? I sure as hell wouldn’t. The car isn’t making a choice to kill those orphans, it’s making a choice not to kill you.

“It’s Leia and Han, not Leia and Riker! Vote NO on Prop 27 and keep interfandom marriages banned.”

Why is Jasmine with a Pidgey and not an Arcanine? This is a travesty.

Of course

Downgrade? Are we looking at the same thing? I’d say it’s an improvement. I think her face looks a bit squashed in the newer version though :/

I think nolanbot is great. Though dinklebot’s “You’ve woken the Hive!” was more memorable.

Welp, time to buy Sims 4.

She’ll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts, kid. I’ve made a lot of special modifications myself.

What a piece of junk.

If her character is to grow realistically in this rebooted franchise then you’ll have to wait for the cheeky one liners and cocked eyebrows. I liked old Lara but she was for the most part a cheesy caricature. New Lara is exactly that (new) and she’s still a fish out of water so to speak and a very young women. Does

In November of 2009, I also happened to be at Meiji during a wedding. There’s a theme in here somewhere.

You know what the secret is? No one pays them. They just do weird stuff on their own and occasionally someone comes in and sets a camera up and changes the reel every few hours and someone else edits the film to make a slightly cohesive show.