
I can’t believe anyone thought these methods would work, it uses intermittent gps tracking to measure distance. If you went from point A to point B then back to point A without the servers updating your relative location you would gain 0km. It’s not constantly measuring your distance with GPS and it’s not using the

Just because you’ve become used to consistent failings during MMO-launches doesn’t mean you shouldn’t hold onto a standard for a perfect launch. Not being completely awful doesn’t absolve it from not being a terrible launch.

I just realised that Ash has always had to point his pokedex frontward to identify a pokemon, that’s the dumbest thing ever...

Don’t know if you’ve tried it, but this is the manual release for your optical drive. Bend out the end of a paperclip and insert it, that should release the tray.

Yes and no, apparently there’s a schedule task hack to break forced updates, but no, you can’t turn off forced updates in Windows 10.

That said, if people would just restart their computers later that day like they say they will when they hit the “Restart Later” button. Then, they wouldn’t get “spontaneously” updated.

To be fair, the 2D Ocarina remake is still going.

High center of gravity, this batmobile is terrible for cornering. Jalopnik is not considering the fact that Batman is Bruce “Mother Fucking Billionaire” Wayne (in most stories) He doesn’t need common parts. He just needs to get where he’s going fast.

It’s really not that funny anymore. It good for a quick rundown of what’s right or wrong with a game if you understand that he’s mostly exaggerating but it just don’t make me bust my gut anymore.

Agreed. Pages only load as fast as the internet streams the content. on a brand new machine, you’d have to have a shit processor and Google Fiber for Chrome to be the bottleneck. Chrome is a memory hog, sure, but Firefox is only slightly better performance wise.

Orange Islands (Anime-only) had alternative color patterns for all the pokemon that inhabited the islands.

I’m curious how they are going to explain the events of the past 2 years. The original Homefront happened 2 years before this game near San Francisco, the KPA hadn’t crossed the Mississippi yet. and...

That “craziest part” was probably only a “very hard” on Flash Flash Revolution. I’m not really impressed, there are way more difficult levels on FFR and he’s using the arrows in the bar style which helps since you only have to coordinate based on the left to right position of the arrow and not the actual direction.

Holy shit, It’s been stated multiple times by any developer that’s made a shooter with controller support. You can’t hit anything without bullet magnetism using a controller. Turning it off literally makes the game impossible to play.

No, the best part is that the Raiders/Ghouls/Mutants are always several miles away from the settlement.

Vibroblades have existed since before 3000 BBY, they vibrate at a certain frequency to deflect lightsaber beams.

I tried counting, but trying to see double taps with this resolution is hard, but I think his passcode is 58 digits long. For reference an 8-character alphanumeric password with symbols (on a US keyboard) has 6 quadrillion combinations. A 58 digit numeric code has 10 octodecillion. For further reference, that’s 1.64

Yay! Guilmon, Veemon and Agumon. The Dream Team.

Simple. They can program and optimize for those specific platforms, instead of programming and optimizing something that has to work on half a billion different configurations.