
Don’t really care, but I would join anyway just because I love that photo. Literally, this girl has been photoshopped in every way, shape, and form.

Passive is water walking.

Why didn’t you just embed the Youtube version like normal? Seriously jwplayer is garbage and flash-based.

Actually, I’m not sure if that’s the real reason. Stella Chuu shared this image because it was the only one the photographer could get uploaded to FB before his flight, so it could be that it was the one he liked best, it was the last one on his sd card or your reason.

Oh child, bless your heart.

Seems like most people are having a hard time reading the article. PriPara is a show that’s broadcast at 10am on national tv, where as shows like Shimoneta are on at 11:00pm on a cable network. There’s not even an earlier syndication than 12:30am. PriPara is a saturday morning cartoon and that is why a girl in a

Also, your point is completely flawed. If my subjective opinion is only valid if I have skills in art equal to the artist than next time you complain about a song you don’t like, how about you produce a cover version that’s improves it.

Why? look at the other replies, John himself replied to me, admitted his Ruby was rushed and that he was working on a better one with the whole RWBY team.

Arms are too short, head/neck is a little too big (not a lot just enough to make it look weird), and the legs are too far apart.

Screw that I won’t settle for anything less than Rainbow Dash as an alicorn or Princess Luna.

Implying that isn’t something the mod community hasn’t already accomplished.

Hi, I am, also, a moron, apparently... because I wasn’t into RPGs until KotOR, but even by then TechTV had spoiled FF7 for me. Whether you’ve played FF7 or not, I don’t know a single gamer that doesn’t know Aeris dies.

Yea, if it failed without getting fully funded. Not if it fails after it’s been funded. It’s a risk just like any investment.

The rest of his work is awesome, but the body proportions are god awful in this one and I wish kinja would let me select how much you see when you tag an image. My intent was to point out the disproportion in her arms and head, not Ruby’s chest.

SpongeBob did it first and he did it better.

That’s the fucking beach from Zanzibar, dude.

Having some major Zombies Ate My Neighbors nostalgia. I would love a remake of that, top-down or 3D.

I’m a little confused, wouldn’t new players, ones that started on FFXIII, have a preference FOR the ATB system?

Source: Me, a new player that started with FFXIII and loved the ATB system.

And I’m just sitting here thinking... can we use FFXIII/XIII-2 style combat?