
Except one specific lighting effect that gives it away, in real life when you approach an overhead light it makes a shadow behind you and when you're going past it the shadow moves in front of you. This is something you notice in real life, but is non-existent in the game.

No, he's absolutely serious. There's a smart-link on all human weapons that the spartans' AI uses to auto-aim from the hip. The only time spartans would need to aim is when they use foreign weapons.

There's 4 things actually. Dance, sit, point and wave. The more impressive thing is that we had the same idea to jump onto a very thin railing and sit, just to take a picture of a sunrise. Though she's wrong to be concerned about being pushed off unless she was in a party when she did it, there's no collision

Holy Shit, are you me? I did the exact same thing on the 18th

My suggestion is once you hit the lvl 20 cap, is to go put on some Mozart and farm the first moon mission for rare engrams. Take the engrams to the Cryptarch and get rep from him. He'll start dropping off legendary engrams at the post office with each rep level. Once you get your first legendary and get level 21 it's

You also have to take into account, that you have to push on the earth in exactly the opposite direction, so now you have to figure out how to move at the same rate as the earth spins to efficiently direct the shout or how many day it would take if you only did if for a specific period of time each day.

He did until he learned how to detect power levels without one from Earth's greatest warriors.

Bun-head? really? I know it's bun-head in japanese, but come on meatball-head is so much funnier. *sigh*

What about the Battle of Golden Gate? Seriously the European Allies had just shown up. Now the KPA is all the way into Philly? I hate to say it because I absolutely loath the series but I would rather have had a CoD experience. Multiple protagonists as we hop around important strategic battles of the Korean Invasion.

Here's a photo of the roof from April 2013.

Agreed, Nobunaga the Fool ED should be on this list for sure.

M$ store credit only... M$ store doesn't sell PS4s

How exactly does one save $100 by ignoring Microsoft?

Edit: nvm. XB1 = $500. PS4 = $400.

They literally have everything done, they just need voice actors, quest scripts and polish. it's on version, though it seems they've taken down the public alpha. :( now I'm kinda sad...

True, but you'd be at a larger advantage swinging the sword forward and using it like a sword breaker since you wouldn't have to protect the blade. Though if you were in the situation he described you could still certainly flip the blade to the side and push it back.

I completely understand what you're saying. I think a better example than gold though was used in the video. Akihabara, we don't pronounce it any different in English but she still pronounced it AkiAbara. It's there own word and yet they still pronounce it wrong in another language!

Eh, I don't know. They didn't even have original Pringles...

There's been discussion on how to include a lore friendly start. They discussed starting in Skyrim and getting another time traveling Elder Scroll.

You're right it's Princess Toadstool.