
The gameplay was fantastic and the side quests (especially the naval battles) were phenomenal. My gripe is the main story felt lacking, the ending (OMG FFFFFFUUUU....) and they have been ruining the balance of Parkour in the game (even since AC:B running on the rooftops and climbing has become more redundant.) adding

'Cause you haven't finished it yet, I'm sure.

I'd add:

I see it, I think it's challenging me to a staring contest...

Really? nothing new? 'Cause what really pissed me off about series was at the end of episode 25 Wakko still hadn't made a choice between Takuto and Sugata. >:(

I'm just saying if the Wii U got an HD Pokemon hack and slash rpg, I would run out and get a Wii U right now...

"the crane games are geared to lose" thanks for the info captain obvious... 'cause American crane games aren't rigged either...

I feel judging the game solely on the location is an awful excuse. The location is fine, the missions and side quests were enticing, the underwhelming story and terrible, worse-than-ME3 ending are why it should be avoided and never quite understood the money making system only way I made money was capturing the forts.

wait wait wait, you almost had me going... don't bother guys, IT'S A TROLL!

Thank you, I was so fucking pissed! I traded it in for Halo 4 that following Tuesday, never looked back.

Sweet, now make Skyrim: Pokemon for the Wii-U and maybe I'll bother with Nintendo again...

Agreed, both the list and GTA V.

I'm done, I tried really hard to like Square. Just give me Versus, KH3 and either an xbox port of kh1&2 or release the kh1.5hd in the states and just die.

I beat H4 campaign solo in 5 hours... that's shit. The multiplayer mechanics are a carbon copy of CoD (I bet we can even prestige)

I haven't finished campaign in H4 or played much MP. So I'mma leave it out.

There are more current gen consoles in home now then there will be in at the launch of next gen. More Game console = greater potential for More Game sales. Couple that with the fact that next gen consoles only see a slightly noticeable increase in graphics (AT LAUNCH) means it's still just a waste.