Why would this grant bragging rights? Is it just me or do these guys treat gamers like we're some weird subculture that prioritizes stupid shit? I mean, yeah, gaming is our hobby, but we don't take it that seriously. Do we?
Why would this grant bragging rights? Is it just me or do these guys treat gamers like we're some weird subculture that prioritizes stupid shit? I mean, yeah, gaming is our hobby, but we don't take it that seriously. Do we?
actually, Flyers fan. not rooting for either team. also, a referee(USA Hockey). just asking from a rules perspective.
Would've been classier if he didn't break his jaw on a blindside hit in open ice nowhere near the puck, but I guess Stepan will settle for a helmet pat.
That was like one of those pre-lockout Jose Theodore games.
boyfriend is taking a bath, reading. I barge in, demanding to know if all men are terrible, eyes blazing
What the hell does being a former high school wrestler have to do with anything?
You… stopped playing because of THAT?
"You haven't heard our side of the story yet," responded a Dolphins spokesperson, "we really fucking hate people with cystic fibrosis."
The only speedruns I find objectionable are the "tool-assisted" exercises in macro programming that have nothing to do with actual gaming skill. They're a helluva benchmark, don't get me wrong—-the fastest tool-assisted speedrun is, in theory, the very fastest possible run through a game, and human endeavors can…
More like Caroline Woznotexpectingthat!!!!11!
Excellent piece Barry. Although, I'd like to offer my thoughts on a particular line: Coming out is now a stage-managed media event, scripted and choreographed in a way that ensures America receives only the most telegenic version of what at bottom is still a deeply personal act.
2 ticket to the NHL Playoffs: $457
Er, where do you get this shit? The victim in the Bryant case had sex with her boyfriend. And Bryant admitted that he could understand why "she felt it was rape."
You completely missed just murdering each and every one of them.
Last night I saw the link to the video and everyone was talking about how he kissed his boyfriend on national TV. I went to watch completely unaware that this video was actually a tearjerker where I got to watch a grown man break into sobs. The kissing is such a small part of the whole video. It was the tears, the…
-1. Team's were sniffing around (granted it's against employment laws to ask those type of questions but it's not like that's ever stopped NFL teams) that's why he came out. People act like he did it to help his draft stock, no it's cause a team was going to find out and better he control it rather than let someone…
The problem I have with that is very simple. Michael Sam is who Michael Sam is — and, last I checked, it was not illegal in this country to be GLBT. But football is a game for rapists and murderers and power-overs and all that shit, so I guess I am surprised that anybody actually got into the 21st century and gave…
I LOVE this logic- our ancestors millions of ears ago didn't wear shoes to run so why should we? Shoes aren't natural!!! Yeah, neither are eye glasses, we should be more natural and give those up.
I don't get it, if these are so bad for runners then why do all of the elite Kenyans and Ethiopians train exclusively barefoot and in barefoot shoes??? ANSWER THAT MR SMART GUY