I would also like to know who are these other racist friends of Donald Sterling who call him the second his GF takes a selfie with a black guy?
I would also like to know who are these other racist friends of Donald Sterling who call him the second his GF takes a selfie with a black guy?
He owns a franchise of a business. It's not an independent business.
At first, listening in on their conversation felt very strange. But wow, it's fascinating the way this discussion/conversation/argument goes. Sterling is incredibly good at manipulating her emotions. the first couple of minutes are just nonsensical ramblings of an old racist who doesn't understand that other races…
Yes, let's think logically about this, they couldn't do it within the rules so they thought "Fuck those thousands of others who didn't run because they were shut out by the rules, I'm above the rules"....
I wish they had a camera on Farrell for that part. "No, dammit, his neck. CHECK HIS NECK."
First off Cherry has a history of race-baiting when it comes to the French-Canadians.
As with anything involving Stephenson and Turner, less than 40% of the shots actually connected.
If I was really apologizing for rapists, don't you think that I would focus my "sleazy excuse-acrobatics" on that?
See, that's where you're wrong. The joke is not about rape. It has nothing to do with rape. You read the first three sentences and think it's about rape, and the last sentence changes the whole context. But I'm not here to debate that. If you think the joke in any way trivializes or minimizes the victimhood of…
Thank you for the constructive criticism, pantyliner69getit.
All right, buddy. You win. You figured me out. You've won the most important battle that never existed. The one where you take on a person who believes more or less the same things about rape and rape culture that you do, because you think he doesn't, and because you misunderstood a joke, which you then doubled and…
I know, right?
How much shame would you expect for not being able to read an entire paragraph?
Four sentences is apparently where we now draw the line for tl;dr
I'll wait for you to be redeemed then. Keep reading the comment.
I'm sorry that you live a miserable existence
The idea that someone like Richard Sherman becomes a national villain for being rude to other players and guys who have ACTUALLY COMMITTED SERIOUS CRIMES WITH VICTIMS become redemption stories is so goddamn ridiculous.
yeah....just like OJ isn't a convicted murderer