
Playing that game on the dreamcast was more fun with a group of friends back in the day than any wii game I have now. Sadly, that commercial made me feel stupid for even thinking of buying it. Thanks Nintendo for making everything into kiddy dogshit.

Am I the only one who thinks the picture on the right makes the character look like a man? *shudder*

Sorry fatass microsoft executive. MGS4 = gap closing, not widening, unlike your waistline and your addiction to snacking on modchips.

He reminds me of the dude who runs half naked down the beach... wait that's a chick?

It's obvious why it's sold out. I'm pretty sure it's not that popular since not even smash bros brawl sold out before release. It's Nintendo's evilly brilliant strategy of holding back supply to increase demand. They've been doing it with the Wii for the last 2 years and they'll do it with this too. What's sad are