They were probably trying to scare Protestants. To many conservative Protestants (and the late Mr. Paisley definitely qualified) the Catholic Church is the Whore Of Babylon.
They were probably trying to scare Protestants. To many conservative Protestants (and the late Mr. Paisley definitely qualified) the Catholic Church is the Whore Of Babylon.
Seems like Foxtrot Alpha slipped over to Flightclub. Seriously, soldiers do their job and get payed for it. It's a noble profession, but so is being a flight attendant.
Except for the presence of environmental lead. The rise and fall of the usage of lead in gasoline correlates (or a least coincides pretty strongly) with the rates of violence amongst the generation that follows.
Maybe Jon Rubin would be happier if they made it more setting up a blockade that prevents supplies from even entering the restaurant.
I would put my hand on his shoulder and say "You don't understand what you just said and neither do I."
This is a horrible event and my thoughts are with the victims and their families. I'm hoping for swift justice and wide-reaching dialogue.
Is it - what is it - that I feel safer in a body I dislike for being overweight than I would if I were at my ideal weight - like if I looked the way I wanted to, I'd be in more…
I was just thinking, wouldn't it be great if there was a website that collected links from around the world of news stories where women have been killed for rejecting the advances of some douche-bro? So I googled, "women killed after rejection" and got 7,490,000 hits.
I was working at a high school football game with my students and this guy politely asked for my number. I explained I was married. His friends got drunk and kept harassing me IN FRONT OF MY 14-15 year old students. Security stepped in and kicked them out, but they waited for me to leave inside of their car. I was so…
PREACH. It's analogous to an in vino veritas situation; the craziness will manifest in some specific way dependent on a given time and place (no one thinks they're Napoleon anymore, for example). The enraged sense of entitlement to women's time, attention and bodies exists outside this mentally ill person and is a…
This is one of those times when I think that putting criminals in the stocks, like in ye olden days, to be jeered at by crowds is a damn fine idea. Because I certainly want to throw shit (literal and figurative) at his head and rage at him for a few hours.
Inspired by Boondocks cover, I like to explain "I have a right be hostile"
Sometimes I think we should just kill all humans and let nature take over the planet again. Maybe some day evolution will create more humans and they'll do a better job than we did. I'm also heavily medicated and am not sure that what I just said makes any sense whatsoever.
Oddly, I believe Theresa is, in fact, that stupid. Joe knows what he's doing but it is actually possible she is simply this stupid.
And people say a liberal arts degree is wasted...
Oddly enough, kinda relevant.
That's Lisa Kudrow and Mira Sorvino in Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, a movie I assumed was going to be stupid but which turned out to be a very sweet and hilarious movie about womens' friendship. I'd post the video of their climactic dance scene with Alan Cumming, but it really should be seen in context…
That's my favourite outfit from the whole movie. I'd be stoked to have that as a school uniform :)
What I find hilarious is most public school uniforms/strict dress codes are identical to what employees at big box stores wear. Matching polo shirts and khaki bottoms communicates a stronger "I work at walmart" vibe than "I run my own fortune 500 company" or "I'm a successful cardiothorasic surgeon" vibe.
When I was a kid, the scene in ET with the guys in the Hazmat suits scared the heck out of me.