
Your paragraph is quite insightful as the choreography (and in fact a good portion of the straight out fighting) for the 'first' trilogy was done by Bob Anderson [](fencer) who was almost universally considered the master at 'keeping it real'. He passed away at the start of this year..

I can point you to Reclaiming the Blade - [] which does a good job of both presenting realistic 'Hollywood' sword fights and showing how it'd be done in the real world.

Converting container formats, unless you are 'Doing it wrong', is a lossless procedure. Does converting a zip file full of MP3's to rar format change anything? Neither does converting from/to MKV to MP4.

Ditto for the recommendation for PS3MediaServer. It's free, it works, and unlike the other programs, it's based on open source libraries which means it's updated often with more compatibility.

I'm with Robert Heinlein on this one.

Even good lighters 'leak' and eventually go dry even without use, which means you could be up a creak if you aren't regularly checking and updating your supplies. And alternative fire starting measures are more involved than simply 'match and striker' combos.

The comment is relative, the pipe itself is not the problem, the problem is the author of the video decided to induce the bends in the frame by baking the PVC in the oven till it was "floppy as a dick"(sic). That most certainly is 'could release toxic fumes' territory.

A. Style/Looks. Same reason some people paint their rooms and others leave them white.

As one of the commenters on Instructables pointed out, the commercial version of these tables can go for $5,000.

Because holes in the wall are the apartment dweller's 'tragedy of the commons', if everyone did it, in a few years the landlord would have to tear out the wall and rebuild it.

Somehow I think they underestimated just how powerful the draw of a $35 linux computer is. That's not disappointing, it's just amusing.

That's sorta why I liked having a bag of them to munch on at work. Wake you up from your dull-drums

You did remember to tighten the bolts, right?

If these were promotional CD's sent to you by companies (and you didn't specificly ask them to send them to you), then it doesn't matter what the they say on them or what their lawyers say. The law is on your side. Unsolicited mail is considered a gift.

If it's actually 'his', then none. Well none other than the whole "Chilling Effect" issue of threatening him.

I'm a cretin, I admit, but I prefer the boxed mac & cheese to 'home made' stuff.

And more importantly, it looks like it's because Pandora has decided finally on it's stance for unofficial clients.

I suspect it was a mis-reading of the actual article. In the comments the author of the actual recipe indicates that once cooked the 'pizza' needs to be eaten pretty much immediately. And while CANNING food does make it shelf-stable, BAKING food does not. You aren't canning this, you are just using a canning jar as a

This article was written in 2006, Gina left Lifehacker other pastures in 2009.

And you could have simply read what I typed and not decided to add to it in your mind, and then responded to the additions instead of what I've actually said. Which you've done in every single response you've made to me today, including this last.