Holy Bejejus! My browser locked up for a whole 2 minutes trying to load this page. Got enough embedded Youtube players there?
Holy Bejejus! My browser locked up for a whole 2 minutes trying to load this page. Got enough embedded Youtube players there?
Queen was the Queen of movie soundtracks for a while.
I miss Kid Radd [kidradd.niftihalostudios.com]
Newsflash! Programmers write stupid shit when they think no one will read it!
It's in the game?
Unless you are rich, you may also want to investigate moving your Users & Program Folders in toto over to the normal drive. I know for a fact that my Steam folder alone would fill a $500 SSD and doing it this way means you never have to deal with forgetting to change the install location for your programs.
No sir, you were not.
He's made a lot of 'action' and 'cool fx' movies on youtube with his group.
Just pray they don't base the game off 2&3 instead of 1.
I like games like this.
That and the issue tended to be a self-fulfilling prophesy. We had plenty female gamers in the first RPG club was setup in my high school. Granted, there weren't that many playing D&D but that was partially because we were still in the era of dealing with Mazes&Monsters, fake 'satanic cult' scares, and a time when…
And yet that still doesn't negate the issues with Origin itself, such as the fact that your 'purchases' are only avaliable for download for a year after you paid for them. Or the fact that if your account goes inactive, EA reserves the right to simply close it and delete all the games out of it. And that's not even…
The games were returned and won't be restocked till SE sends boxes without the copies. The only ones that would be passed out using the current stock would be pre-orders that demand their copy before the restock.
I'd never buy from Gamestop anyway, so my opinion is probably worthless, but while I think they made the wrong move in both deciding preemptively to remove the coupons and how the non-PR fella who wrong the memo reacted when contacted, I don't feel they were THAT dickish this time around.
If this didn't have the X-Com name attached to it, I'd be having wet dreams over it.
"I don't really see the point in making something that just looks nice. " - That is what I was referring to.
You know what they say about women with massive hands, right?