
I replied here

& bexone

It doesn't work that way, somethings can't be 'evolved' into an immunity.

Press Space to say Apple!

No, in this case a new hook was dropped because it was too different from expectations to fit into this game. A hook which hasn't been revealed because more than likely Valve intends to find a spot for it anywhere else.

According to the wiki link, the actual purpose of step #2 is the opposite of what step #1 is. Namely, #2 protects you if your laptop is stolen.

Yes, because the implication from the paragraph in this article was that 'only a few people disliked it'

No, It's not that Valve listens to their fans, it's that they listen to their PLAY TESTERS.

Did you see the size of the pack they have on that poster? Chell would have needed more than leg braces to trundle that thing around in the testing chambers.

I won't rage about the cost. The platform however... I'm not going out and buying an iPad just to get some juciy bits on Valve's secrets.

Valve rocks SPECIFICALLY because they listen to their play testers BEFORE releasing their games, where many companies don't even do real play testing and instead mistake it for QA testing.

Like F-Stop. ^_^

The Spore he spun for us in his talks would have been an awesome game, the Spore that was delivered made me fear that like another visionary, Peter Molyneux, he's starting to dream bigger than the available tech can deliver.

You know, even though I'm confronted by it every day, it still amazes me that children who weren't even alive when I graduated from high school are now old enough to think they need to weigh in negatively on the accomplishments of someone who has been presenting the world with great ideas the commenter's entire life.

It is a Sony product, were you expecting different? Isn't their motto, take what works, change it so it only works with our stuff, and then break it?

Right on! Or not.

This is X. The dial on complex for them goes all the way to 11.

X has a butt load of custom ship made for it, including the BSG crowd.

damn it. it tried picking it up and for some reason couldn't. now I'll have to replay that chapter....