
Nope, and nope.

Nope, and nope.

Sony IS the reason OtherOS was removed. He is the excuse. No one, including Hotz, put a gun to a Sony VP's head and said "Remove OtherOS or they get it!".

A. Harming the Environment - which harms everyone a little, especially down the line.

If only you were capable of thinking logically.

Or, buy it and do what GeoHotz did!

EULA's are only enforceable if you agree to them and there are no "USA laws of digital intellectual property" that forbid you to mess with software installed on a product you own.

How ignorant can you be?

There are two kinds of people that think Hotz is a hero, pirates and the folk who deeply believe that once they buy a product, they should be allowed to do what they will with it.

That's like blaming someone else because your parents are abusive and hit you all the time.

So... Jumper?

The video game industry is an odd beast. You work hard as an indie or 'upandcoming' development house, to be bought by a megacorp that couldn't give a shit about you, just the brand you've built on your own, and eventually, inevitably, get shitcanned to allow the higher ups to pad their bonus checks by 'reducing

If only it didn't crash for me every third race, I'd agree with the first statement. The second has no contention.

Could someone familiar with both give me a compare/contrast between LastPass and sxipper? I use the latter currently but I keep hearing about how wonderful LastPass is. Am I really missing out on something?

I took more than two hours, but then I'm crappy at platforming.

In my apartment, the rule is, it's not a party yet if someone still doesn't have jungle print on their face.

There are no remnants to go rancid. You are essentially turning the milk into plastic glue in the crack and then rinsing away what's left outside the crack.

So if the issue is seen, and steps are taken to correct it, so that it should no longer be a problem in the future, it must have never been an issue in the first place?