

I just can't for the life of me understand why people think it's selfish to NOT want kids. I don't get it. Why does it matter if I want kids or not, anyway?!

People are really crazy about the whole kid thing. Many people, even those who identify as feminists just cannot understand having a life without children.

I asked this in groupthink today, but though I'd post it here too. What other feminist websites do you recommend? I need to expand my horizons! Thanks :)

Five years, with an end in sight for the last two. It was awful! We made it though and are now happily married.

Ugh, I am so so sorry you have to deal with this shit. It IS problematic, it's racist and your coworker is an ass. I just can't understand how other people refuse to believe it's problematic when someone tells them "hey, this offends me". So Stupid.


Yes! I think people should decide for themselves, but they need to question it! "Why do I want to change my name" "Why is it expected of me?" "Why isn't my husband having this conversation with himself about changing his name?!"

If my husband told me it was disrespectful for me to not take his name, he wouldn't be my husband.

Because that's the name I was born with. That's my identity, it's who I am, it's who I've always been.

No. We still need to talk about this issue, because I AM TIRED OF HAVING TO EXPLAIN WHY I KEPT MY OWN LAST NAME.

YES! Love Andrew WK :) and I think those wipes would be good for a wipe down after an all nighter, haha.


I think it would be so fun!!


Well, let's call my ex 'X' and my husband 'H'.

It's totally normal. I'm happily married to my best friend, but I'll always love, and want the best for my ex. It didn't work out with us, and it could never have - our relationship was like a roller coaster.

It's normal but can be a little dry (I live in the desert). It can be a little acne prone in the summer. I'm 26 and starting to worry about wrinkles. I don't tan and wear spf 30 everyday.

I think they ended it because teachers were seeing their students at the bar. Awwwkward!

I had a list: