Hi, how do you know the severity of this persons allergy? YOU DON'T. Just because nut dust won't kill you, doesn't mean it won't kill them.
Hi, how do you know the severity of this persons allergy? YOU DON'T. Just because nut dust won't kill you, doesn't mean it won't kill them.
Excuse me? People with nut allergies aren't just GOING ON about you eating a snickers bar! If you're eating that next to them, the "nut dust" could kill them! Should people with allergies stay home 24/7 just so you can enjoy your fucking snickers bar?
So, are you saying that the only thing stopping you from murdering someone is that you're afraid of hell?
and wanting a kid or seven is going to be a deal breaker for a LOT of men.
This whole "divorce is too easy" crap is bs. If people are no longer in love and aren't happy, then they shouldn't have to be together anymore! Why should we FORCE people to be together, just because "God" says? Fuck that, you only have one life - don't waste it being unhappy!
This is wrong on SO many levels, I'm not even going to rant about it all. However, I AM going to talk about the use of the R-word. WTF!? Not okay. Not okay!
I grew up in a blinking coloured light household. I just bought my first tree this year, and went with white lights, because I also thought it seemed classier. Now, that it's all set up, I'm kind of wishing I would have listened to my husband and with the coloured lights. The white lights ARE classy, but kind of…
I am so over Pippa. Useless party planning books? Yaaaaaawn!
I hear you on that :( I want fancy chocolate so bad. Fuck you traces of tree nuts/peanuts!
I don't really have a best friend. I have a few really really great friends, and I love them :) Does my husband count as my best friend? Because he really is. (haha, it sounds lame, but it's true!)
I'd be so down! California Jezzies?
Pink is MINE Karen Handel! You stole it from me!
I do that too. Usually "No, I can't go to your church. Im anglican/episcopalian"
Haha! People are so BLAH! The lady I work with was telling me a story and she goes "and he was an atheist! Well..I should say SATAN WORSHIPPER!"
Ugh! Fuck that! Christians would lose their shit if I were like "Heyyyy, can I have a minute of your time to let you know how awesome it is to be an atheist? Also let me tell you that the way you are living right now is SO WRONG" No. That is RUDE and unsolicited, and not cool.
AMAZING! "we will sort it out"HAHA!
Hm, my heart is a little broken over this Vince Vaughan news. Glenn Beck, Vince? Really?
After reading this, my head is going to explode. Seriously?
I love it! Your parents sound awesome.
Just had another thought I wanted to add. Not everyone CAN run! There was a time where I physically was unable to run due to medical issues.. so while this is a good option for some, it's not for everyone! And if you don't like to run, you can't run, or whatever, that is absolutely okay too.