
Tebow won't make it to a 2nd broadcast. He'll never successfully throw it back to the studio, thus creating a never-ending pregame show.

That makes sense. I remember the hours and hours of First Take covering Chris Weinke with the Panthers and Sportscenter setting up at preseason camp to do dozens of stories about Eric Crouch/Jason White - Third String QB competition.

Also her reaction when she realizes what she has to pay in taxes on it.


Kim Kardashian was robbed.

I think it's so funny and sad looking at some of the comments about the "Partition" or "Yoncé" music videos, especially coming from other women of color on other blogs out there. They're calling her out as showing too much skin or being too sleazy. Oh, but just turn around and look at the comments when it's Trey

I feel like this is the era of Beyonce giving less fucks about what people think about her and how she should manage herself and how she should present herself.

That list ain't bad, but nothing stops Krimson Tyde. Period.

Raoul Tyde is kind of genius.

They used a "K" so the kid wouldn't accidentally end up at Harvard.

Ess E. See sounds like it would be the name of a civil war general. Of the governor of Louisiana


*blink* *blink*

Why would someone wait for SIX HOURS? Just hang up already and try again later. Also, not that I'm super down with "The Man" or whatever, but can we give companies a break once and awhile? I'm sure Target was doing all it could to staff up its customer service lines during that time and that all sorts of Target

I feel like there's such a lack of empathy it's turned into dehumanization of the person on the other side of the phone line/customer service desk/cash register.

I completely agree with this. I think we go really overboard a lot with how quickly we want everything resolved now now now now now! There's no empathy that perhaps just as you are having a bad day so is someone else. Or perhaps that person is having an even worse day.

My sister's sister in law works for Target Corporation. According to my sister, the sister in law, who isn't even involved with customer service, was watching her phone and email the whole time they were celebrating Christmas together. Apparently most of her co-workers were working around the clock, including on

At first I was confused because as despicable as this guy is I didn't think you were allowed to take people's kids away because they were racist. But nope, not at all surprised that this little asswipe is a domestic abuser.

I don't know what it is about the ripoffs, but they look horrifying.