
I love it when someone with obvious and deep talent takes artistic license and delivers something so warm and wonderful. Aretha, you fill me up.

But do the pasties come with it?

I sorta wish Taylor would wear something completely hideous immediately followed by something equally as flawless so we can truly appreciate her style.

Ok the hair is ridic, but that dress I wanna see standing up. I'll bet its gorgeous. And it looks soft and comfy.

I so dig the fuschia/slate color combo. So much.

Darn. Forgot this was on. Loved the clip, but I'm a little more indie minded in that they should have let the oppossum be dead. Love Andre. I'm feeling chemistry between these guys. Cool. I'll have to start watching for sure now.


Aw. I wish her well.

"Shit or get off the pot." Mom usually said this to other drivers, but I went through a "slow" phase at 10 years old. I used to own a Jeep and once in traffic in LA I screamed this at someone much to the delight of the carload of teenagers in the car beside me.

haha! She was all up in it til mom handed her the man. Oohh-ho-ho what a bad thing this is!

My love for Stanley Tucci just multiplied a thousandfold. I don't even like martinis and I'd drink as many as he wanted me to, and laugh with him, and eat those nasty olives.

@madeofawesome: Ha! I thought she meant Fayetteville, Arkansas which is a couple hours away driving (and the hub of the Wal'Mart empire). She was here in my town a few days ago. It might not seem so now, you will get through this. Hang in there.

@Sarcasmatic: Couldn't agree more. How about teach the child the correct words of the song and let her continue to sing along with the correct words? What a waste of your 15 minutes.

This just brings back such warm and wonderful memories for me. Of course, now that I'm an adult I know that my parents were probably tired, stressed, and perhaps dreaded the holidays, but the sister and I were enveloped in an oblivious cocoon of holiday happiness that started at Halloween and ended the 2nd of January.

Please let that be fake fur.

Soft, serious, beautiful, smooth, subdued, strong, graceful intelligence......

@DONOTGRIDLOCK: Cats rule!! And might I suggest one of these $3 a kitten owner can spend.

@Buffalo_Gal: ha! ya beat me to it. I clicked on the pick and didn't really see who was in the pic because I immediately locked on the coat. Me want.