
I wish to purchase the little girl to Thandie's right please. Thank you.

This photo is beautiful on so many levels. I am captivated.

So the one on the right is the male?

Nonononononononono!! No. Enn Oh. Wtf?!?!

Major squee-age over the baby in #2. My ovaries just effing exploded.

May I squeeze them please? I'm having one of those wanna squeeze it days.

omg I wanna hold 'im and love'im and squeeze 'im and feed 'im. Love. *sigh*

Bless them.

I'm seeing a lot of terms that imply that natural African American hair is undesirable. I call BS. Who's definition of "nice and neat"? What the hell does that mean anyway. Isn't it easy to stand in judgment of someone else?

@Gretchen is a new kitten mom!: Oh and the hubbs is more crazy cat person than I am. He's the reason we have 9 instead of 5 - pregnant female came to us starving. Whaddya gonna do? Those little buggers were born and we were wrapped. We love them to pieces. Kudos to you for your saves!

Too much. Its too much cuteness. I wanna kiss the feets. I have 9 cats and you'd think I'd get tired of looking at them, but I just don't. And every time I see another baby kitten I'm pretty sure I need another one.

Tattooing vast amount of real estate on one's body.

Eva Pigford looks the bomb. I love it. And I think Brooke Mills' dress would work in not so vivid neutrals - creams and tans or perhaps greys.

Fabulously unsurprising beauty from V. Love it all.

Wow! The fabrics and the lines are just glorious. The shoes? mmmm I don't see them taking off, but this is a show I'd have loved to see in person. Stunning!

You gotta love Lenny Kravitz. He looks like his daughter's brother, not her dad. Too freakin cool.

First, my compliments on the pic to accomapny the article. Perfect.

Gorgeous. Absolutely stunning.

The Macarena? You so went there.

So nice to see hips and boobs on the runway. And who doesn't expect bustiers/corsets from Gaultier. Kinda boring actually.