
omg I got chills when he said "the cows in the corn" - and not the good kind either

Barrymore is a goddess. I been lovin her red carpet hair lately.

Mr. Green Jeans circa 2009

My man wants another woman that badly he can have her cuz this botch ain't whiffin no man's underpants after they've had them on for any length of time. I am into a lot of things but sweaty man butt is not one of them. And I do not apologize for my quirk.

The dog is perfectly cute, but what I love most about pics of Barack and the kids is the ever-present delighted look he wears on his face. The man adores his girls and I adore him for that. *sigh*

News flash: If it doesn't make a sound - it usually smells really really bad.

Kali Hawk - its a Rhapsody - I kinda love it. The shoes? Not so much.


"but that's "tradition" and not a shitty gift."

I'll take a back rub from Barry thankyouverymuch. And she would too. Obama just said to her, "hey how 'bout the goob who used to have this job, eh?"

Looks like I have to move to the UK where pasty is cool.

Someone needs to work on their sexy face. The words hot mess come to mind whilst viewing Anthony's get-up. Doesn't JLo look all hotness?

I would be kind of in love with that coat if I didn't think it was either another being's skin and/or hair. If its synthetic I'm all over it. Over jeans I think that would be a smashingly casual wrapper.

This is hilarious - she is totally laughing! Haha. That's what I imagine I'd be doing if his sexiness moved in for a kiss from me. I'd still be laughing at the last thing he said.

My god what a tragedy. So sad. My thoughts.....yeah.

Normally I can't stands no skinny mans, but this one is so utterly and overtly sexual I just can't resist. I'm still torn between thinking he smells fantastically fresh or somewhat oily.

I'm kind of in love with the boots though I'm not sure if they are in context paired with this outfit. I kind of adore her too.

She is still a class act. I loved her then and I still love her. Thank you Annie for making my club days so goddamn much fun! And for inspiring one incredibly bitchin Halloween costume.

I would so wear Elle's gown. I think it is beautiful. But then I always thought I should have been a superhero instead of a desk jockey. Thankyouverymuch.