
Crap like this makes moving to Eastern Europe look better and better all the fucking time. Is it '08 yet? Dammit. Why has he not been impeached? Why? Bush = moron.

Yes, the clit is it, but its only part of it when you add anal stimulation. Ka-fucking-pow! As a stand-alone its the bomb though.

@lindz: Hear hear.

Martha is ACE!! Love that woman. What grace. What style. Love love love her.

She's cute, but god do we have to revive leg warmers? Nix 'em cutie pie. I love her accent. She's cute from the top of her darling head to the bottom of her expensively shod feet.

Ew. Gross. I think her toes are hanging over the ends of her shoes. Icky. But those shoes would be incredibly hideous on her true size 9s.

@blondegrlz: OMG poor dear. Well, one consolation - you were probably all pink on the inside after that. hehe Amazing isn't it, what those little buggers'll do to you? Nowhere near as bad as those sugar free jelly bellies I'll bet.

@dayglo: I know. I've said before on Hayden's pics that I hope she stays away from LiLo, Brit, and Paris. God I hope this girl can keep it together.

Oh man is she ever going to regret that photo later, if she doesn't already.

Good lord. Like she needs horizontal stripes. Poor thing.

Ew. He's barrel-chested. A side effect of sucking it in!

Oh to be that young and that good looking. What a beauty she is. And she's just going to get better with age.

That family is so freaking cute I just can't stand it.

meh cute, but completely without talent

Aw, Ellen. I love you, honey. I hope they give that dog back to those little girls. You are a loving, generous soul. I am so sorry you're sad.

"Halle's Baby Bump Upstages Expensive Clutch"

Hey, here's an idea. Eat some fruit and/or vegetables instead of crap and you'll be toileting normally with little or no sense of urgency. Cool thing is, you can just about eat all of it you could possibly stuff in your cake-hole and not gain weight. Diet aids are pathetic and dangerous.

rats. double post.