Are you kidding? Marvin Lewis has been on the job for a decade because the owner loves him and is too cheap to fire him. I see no reason why he's in any more jeopardy now than he was the last 6 years.
Are you kidding? Marvin Lewis has been on the job for a decade because the owner loves him and is too cheap to fire him. I see no reason why he's in any more jeopardy now than he was the last 6 years.
Plus, I'm not sure why Drew is so puzzled about what Schefter gets out of it. Is it really not obvious? He gets to be known as the one who broke the news on the Dalton re-signing. Don't news organizations judge themselves on which of them is first to break the news on a story?
Because in all likelihood you won't get average play out of him. Unless he was a top pick or a rare breed like Wilson or Foles, you can't really expect even average play from a 1st year quarterback playing a position with the steepest learning curve. And by the time he develops into a quarterback that gives you at…
He doesn't deserve one. He signed a top deal two years ago for four years, and that included a signing bonus that was paid to him in advanced. He's a top 5 back and is being paid like a top 5 back. If he doesn't want to play this year he'll need to repay the prorated amount of his signing bonus he took from the team…
Completely disagree with your assessment of Wilson. He's broken all sorts of records for a QB in his first two years and has finished with over 100 passer rating both years, which is unprecedented. And he's still improving. Compare him with Brady's first two years playing, very similar. There's no reason to think he…
Hmmm. Sure there are far less demanding internships. But that help you more? In a pipedream career like modeling, positions that offer you a bigger profile for a first time gig than a NFL cheerleading gig would, but I can't imagine they'd be easy to find.
I realize that modeling isn't necessarily the career it's cracked up to be but at the same time, the employers shouldn't be held accountable because some of these women had unrealistic expectations about the career and didn't attain the success they expected to. You appeared to have figured that out in the course of…
Nope, you're the one fabricating because you have no argument. Like I said, they're being paid, just not what you want them to be paid.
How do you know that? Maybe she cheated on him.
Nope. There were no kids, so no alimony. Washington State is a communal property state, so unless she gave up a career to raise kids for him she's not entitled like that. She is however entitled to half the current assets.
Maybe they both just didn't want a discount.
Why only with a teammate? I think messing around with anyone would be cause enough.
If that was the case at NC State and Wisconsin, I can't imagine how much more jealous and possessive she would become under the NFL spotlights. That must have been hard on Russ. She was glued to his side like flypaper at all his public appearances the last two years until right after the Super Bowl.
No one thought he was a first round bust because sitting behind Favre there was no way to know.
The lobster plays backup in Denver.
It sounds like bullshit. How would he get enough chances to be around her without him there to make that happen? Tate would be at all the team functions Russell was at and she was at his side like glue for every public function/charity event up until 13 weeks ago when she stopped appearing in public with him.
You've obviously never been around the Seahawks facility and seen the women lined up waiting for players to emerge from the locker room after practice. Hint: these single ladies were neither family members or had any previous relationship with these players, or they wouldn't be in that area. That must've been…
Seriously? Damn, maybe that's a tongue and cheek joke being passed around but it's hard to believe anyone's saying that and really believes it.
Even if it turns out she was cheating on him? If not, then you're being presumptuous since no one knows what the reasons are. If so, then I'd have to assume you'd put up with your spouse doing that, but it's something most people wouldn't tolerate. I'll just point out that he's deeply religious, and for them usually…
That's a really poor argument as you offered nothing in your defense. The job pays, just not what YOU think it should. Sorry but people take prestigious jobs for low pay all the time because they see it as a better opportunity for advancement when it opens more doors. This is quite common in an industry like modeling…