Well you deserve it for being dumb enough not to use protection.
Well you deserve it for being dumb enough not to use protection.
In the popular parlance, I’m what you might consider a gun nut. I’ve owned several over the years, everything from ultra modern ARs to antiques. I routinely carry; my preference is a Colt 1851 Navy replica cartridge converted to .45 Long Colt. I’ve also served in the military for over a decade, and thanks to…
yeah it’s kinda sad to see someone with a clear passion for them but unwilling to partake because of the media scares. oh well.
That’s a whole lot of words to say you’re terrified of guns. If you’re living in constant fear of them to the point that it creates real anxiety, that’s terrible.
You get ALL the credit for practicing incredible restraint in your reply to eolith. Mad respect.
Hayden Gillum was also T’d up for filming a basketball game in portrait mode
I don’t know about you but if I were at the center of an earthquake, I’d thank Jagga thanks Panthro came to the rescue in a Thundervan.
It must be. There are THREE vans there, all with the same logos, and the helicopter destroyed all three. I’m going to out on a limb here and guess the victims were in those vans, or at least some of them.
* “Man, that must have been a terrifying perfect storm of conditions for the helicopter to land right on the van.”
* “... Wait, why does the van have the Thundercats logo?”
(We have the same questions.)
Is it wrong I just immediately notice the Thundercats insignia on the van? What’s weirder still is the van appears to be in some sort of livery. Is there some sort of Mexican ambulance service that’s using Thundercats as its logo?
Portrait mode should be illegal.
Series of poor life decisions made in this video:
Four .50s and one 20mm, all in the nose and boresighted straight ahead. The other birds had their guns in the wings and had to be set up with convergence zones so the full firepower of these planes had finite range.
A gun is a significant lifestyle, training, mindset, and financial commitment. Don’t do it unless you’re willing to be serious about it, and recognize that it is a lethal force tool that can only be used in a lethal force situation. Carrying a gun means checking your ego at the door and backing down from every fight…
I was wondering the same thing! I’ve seen it twice now, and it was a dark scene but it looked to me like the gun was hanging beneath something. And we never saw the drone deploy. I feel like they would have made it evident that the drone split off again, so I’m voting on the spinner.
Wadder confirmed.
I thought we’ve known this for a good long while? That Bluetooth on ANYTHING is a recipe for security disaster? Wasn’t that the joke from 24; that they’re all using these super-duper encrypted black ops government phones, at the tail end of which are eminently hackable Bluetooth headsets?
Let’s not ignore the #1 lesson that can be learned from this and ALL of the modern hacks:
With Android you can use NFC to turn the bluetooth on only when you need it, for example I have a Tec Tile near my front door that turns my wifi off and bluetooth on when I head to the car and vice versa when I come back. Of course it requires you to have NFC on all the time which is another vulnerability.