
I couldn't squeeze a list out of them, so good job!

Trust but verify.

Killjoys is fine. There’s a place for cheezy scifi if it’s done right. So far, Killjoys has satisfied that.

Meanwhile, in LA...

Meanwhile, in LA...

Looks suspiciously like Corvo’s switchblade-sword.

Yikes. This seems more apt for #florida tag than #arizona.

Lem Lemoncloak, you say?

The first movie disappointed me, because it departed from the highly interesting premise of ‘uber-competent illusionists pull off something impressive but just barely plausible’ and into ‘This bullshit is bullshit and I declare bullshit on this bullshit.’

Is NYSM2 more bullshit? Cause if so I'm gonna skip it.

It wasn't that kind of oil.

I dunno, it kind of looks to me like the 340lb cop just sorta tripped on him.

Goddamn I just want to slap him so hard.

Once I made longest road out of essentially nothing but sheep.

It's a high-tech super suit. You just go. The suit has you taken care of.

Still predicting Shiro/Sven bites it within 4 episodes. There's only 5 lions and Alura is going to end up in one of them.

Char cotton is good stuff.

The Blue Angels F-18A’s are falling apart.

hundred bux says it's mechanical failure, not pilot error.

Not surprised. The Blue Angels F-18A’s are falling apart due to metal fatigue from their heavy use.

Guaranteed this is mechanical failure.