A garden of eden where you were many many times more likely to die from violence, starvation or disease and surviving to middle-age, heck, just surviving early childhood, was a real accomplishment.
A garden of eden where you were many many times more likely to die from violence, starvation or disease and surviving to middle-age, heck, just surviving early childhood, was a real accomplishment.
Adblock VR will fix everything.
I still don’t get why anime/manga articles go to Kotaku instead of here.
They block Kotaku at work. >.>
Never, ever, ever go to quick-oil places.
And we get a better look at the Imperial tanker armor in the last shot.
Q: What did people in socialist countries use for light before candles?
A: Electricity.
Knew the handwriting was too neat and legible.
Enh. Don’t care.
They had perfect opportunity (and even make sense in context) to show the hood when he was entering the siberian base, too.
Right rear tire pressure must have been a quarter pound low.
I also liked how his suit was shown in just one shot to be as advanced and formidable as Tony's. When the helicopter gunner was shooting at him (and scoring hits) he just completely ignored it like it was of no consequence, and it wasn't. Didn't even leave scuffmarks, even spanging off of his vibranium-enshrouded head.