76 years old and going out in a high speed crash in a muscle car. I can think of worse ways to sign off.
76 years old and going out in a high speed crash in a muscle car. I can think of worse ways to sign off.
Whenever the Germans start talking about purity, I get worried.
I’m also surprised that the car dealer was selling cars with FUCK YOU keyed all over each and every one of them...
I wish you weren’t right but unfortunately you’re so right.
BMW’s don’t have to look beautiful. They just have to look expensive. As long as it makes people look successful and affluent they’ll keep buying them (or leasing them I guess).
I’m cool with any cop with their body camera turned off for no reason being guilty until proven innocent. If they can turn them off and have zero repercussions when doing so then what’s the point of them?
I wonder if he’d take an acoustic guitar, iPhone 4S, and a $20 Applebees gift card on trade?
Nissan should build like 125,000 more exactly to spec, just to de-value this jackass’s car.
A company I used to work for (an extremely large national banking institution) once drafted a new letter to be mailed to our ~30,000 delinquent homeowners offering assistance and loss mitigation options. The letter made it through the drafter, the department head, a committee, and legal. Everyone focused extensively…
I’ve done this a number of times. No way I’m putting myself or my vehicle in harms way. Stay behind, dictate location, direction, make/model, to the police, call it a day.
I hate that you’re likely right. In our society, nurse Wubbles is most likely to get the result of the department taking appropriate action by suing over Detective Payne’s conduct. I share your doubt that any internal investigation will have teeth to change his behavior in the future, but a sizable settlement payment…
Just my opinion but the police in the US are very militarized, in fact a lot of them have background from the military so I feel that makes an impact. Also it turns into a very much us vs. them mentality...America is a violent country and we see it through cops. I will admit there are parts of this country where I…
Because cops here believe they exist to protect each other instead of serving the public. It’s them against us so regardless of our innocence, we’re all suspects until we prove otherwise.
Why are US police so violent towards everybody? Are they afraid? Insecure? Misogynists? Wannabe-army? What’s wrong with them? The police in the UK would never handle a sober, non-aggressive, non-violent suspect in this manner, let alone another member of an emergency service. In the UK this would be big news, and…
And that motherfucker who comes in and tries to explain why she was wrong. I just want to punch him in the face.
Utah Pig, Jeff Payne, is a criminal batterer and has committed kidnapping and abuse of power. Any other pig in the area, by not arresting him, is now an accessory to Utah Pig’s crime. This is a criminal conspiracy. Where are the “good” cops?
OTOH: Do NOT use track tires on the road!
Stop overpaying for used Tacomas, people!