
Passing on those savings to us, clearly.

I think what Stephen's really trying to say is that PS+ is an attractive service, and Microsoft is not doing nearly enough.


You could replace "Jazzmaster" with "Hipster" Tim.

Imagine the contents of this post changing your life.

That's good to hear. I'm not really super picky, and tend to enjoy most games. It's on my buy list for sure, and the game is drop dead gorgeous.

It looks like baby's first RPG. I'm sure it's fun, but the demo didn't blow me away at all besides the visuals.

Hot damn, I'd buy this so hard.

I would have just asked questions actually about the game world. For instance, I'd ask how they decided to make Bhunivelze Lightning's guiding force in this game. Don't the previous games set him up to the be main villain, the cause of all the chaos imbalance, and the enemy of Etro and Muin?

Yeah. Every Wednesday for 6 weeks, starting yesterday with Samurai Beatdown.

$300 for all that is a damn fine deal. Damn fine.

Well done :)

"As for more awesome, let's not push it. I'll check back when Temple Run 2 matches the more than 170 million downloads of the first game. Until then "just as awesome" will have to do."

That's pretty much my feelings exactly. In Chaos Theory, the "bad guys" tortured Sam. Things sure have changed.


Violence in games is totally not an issue at all. If anyone suggests that you're a serial killer for playing violent games, they are clearly mistaken.

Agreed. People like to pretend that Bioware is somehow "pure" and it's all EA's fault, but if you read any of the interviews it seemed almost the other way around. EA probably only had a hand in stuff like rushing Dragon Age 2, and naming most of their other EA teams "Bioware" and then changing their mind.

I can see both sides of it honestly. The fact is, the game is f2p now after bombing to some degree. Huge portions of the staff have been laid off already, and the two founders of the studio retired.

True. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they do this eventually.

The game is a ghetto. It's bombed financially and they're going to skim by with the least possible effort and investment.