
Every time you write "implied" should be a red flag here, when I already just said that you misread my post. I'll just leave it at that.

Read what I said, and read what you said, and try and find your claims of what you think I said in my actual post.

The silliest thing about this article is that a Steambox is just about to revealed this week. Why? Because lots of people in the west also have no interest in PC games. Lots.

"World of Warcraft, Starcraft II, Guild Wars 2, and Diablo III"

Now playing

Hannah? Sure, it's worth a watch. Not the best movie ever but it's got a few neat parts.

Hanna was basically a movie with no dialogue that succeeded because of sharply choreographed fights, a solid OST, and good casting and directing. The writing wasn't really a big part of that movie.

I actually liked the Tactics Advance series more. There are just a few gameplay advancements that make it much more fun to play, like being able to set up a move, see where it will land and what the hit percentage is, and then cancel out of the entire thing and try another before committing. The original Tactics is

Yep, totally snubbed this year, despite the fact that it bests Skyrim handily in multiple categories.

I'll never understand why anyone thinks Austin Wintory's work on this game is anything but a complete snooze-fest. There are only 18 tracks on the album. 6 of them are confluence tracks with nothing but random orchestral ambience. Nascense starts strong and works well on the title screen, but then fades out. Road

7 - 3D graphics display

Fair enough, thanks for explaining your point of view on it. I'm not trying to troll, I just honestly do think there is worth in comparing and contrasting different things to see how they stack up.

That's basically the "mod" that Dragon Age II has, and it was still GOTY at BorderHouse.


If the characters were covered in blood instead, would anyone care? No.

Not sure what the valid reason is to act holier than though about an entirely optional mod to a 1 year old game.

Yep ...

"There is a reason I don't talk about this much."

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Um ... isn't this still the old leaked one? The official trailer is different, a bit more polished, and has more music, better text, and a crisper picture.

The trailers are different though, and this one is clearly more polished.

Nope, getting it day one. The fans of XIII won. We're getting another awesome game. All the people bitching didn't slow the series down one bit.