
If someone told all gamers that they had to display their real name, do you know who would oppose it most of all? Female gamers.

Here's a few other gems that you may not have let fully sink in.

Acting like others get to determine what makes a real "man" is, in itself, extremely sexist and demeaning. This whole article should have been scrapped before it ever got online. The final insult was thinking it needed to be spread throughout the Gawker network's other sites.

I bought into all his talk the first time. It's BS.

Honestly, I would compare MMOs a bit to commenting on Kotaku. It's online, it's social, it's about conversation and interaction. After a while, you start to have a few friends here and there.

Thanks! Nice of you to say.

Vita is doomed.

I'd say RE6 no contest. It's going to have 4 campaigns, and at least 3 of them are each 75% of the total length of RE5 supposedly. I'm sure it'll have mercenaries as well.

I don't really, just every now and then if a story really grabs me. I still like to skim the headlines. Good to see you :)

? This is the first I've heard of Crunchyroll being piracy. Sony distributes movies as well, and has a large film division. I doubt they'd partner with someone who was as shady as you suggest. Seems like extreme hyperbole until proven otherwise.

"Xbox Live Sliver"

If we're talking about the theoretical future, Sony just bought an entire streaming service, so it could easily crush SmartGlass.

I think it really just depends on the game. I played Soul Calibur V extensively on PS3 online and it was damn near flawless. And fighting games require a greater connection quality than FPS games.

It was two mistakes, the initial price and the complicated cell architecture. They won't make either mistake a 2nd time, and you're right, they have killed MS in the other areas so far.

I'm glad you haven't had your account info stolen, but lots of Live users have actually.

They're rentals. It's not a bad deal at all. You don't keep the movies from Netflix either.

Nailed it.

If all you want to do is just buy games and have multiplayer, PSN still wins because multiplayer is free. That's what you should take away from it if you're not interested in purchasing either subscription.

Also, PSN+ is now going to also apply to free games and deals on Vita. It's already part of PSP and PS3, so it works across 3 systems.

$60 for US too actually.