
And just to add before people complain about it, they literally filled up the game cart to capacity. Some of the later games have 80+ tracks per game, so there's no way they could have fit them all on there.

Yeah I saw that, works like a charm!

Yeah I know Kotaku is not a unified voice. If I refer to a collective Kotaku, it's just to save time. And it's partially a matter of etiquette, because if I just keep pointing out specific people, it gets too personal. Even though I get heated, I'd like to avoid that, and I don't always succeed.

I'm browsing! I'm around here and there.

I also think it's important to realize that any crime television show on prime time covers content infinitely more disturbing than a villain rubbing a girl's arm for 2 seconds. Law and Order, CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds. I mean, my grandmother watches Criminal Minds. Have you seen any of the episodes?

Obviously. I mean what? They need to own it. Seriously? That's got to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. The entire internet has been screaming at them to not own it. And it was all started by Jason. Now they clarify and people are like, haha, didn't own it; guess it was a stunt. God. The

Haven't you shit on this game enough Jason? They even gave you a 2nd interview, and you present little snippets of it in a way that tries to maximize controversy, like last time.

@LouisPiper: Yep, came out on Tuesday!

Heckseville :) I'm going to get the spy pack tonight.

After you watch the long one, wait like 30 minutes, then come back and watch the short one, it starts to make sense. It's definitely a memorable ad, and that's all it needs to be. It's kind of ironic and funny as well.

I hope it comes with giant neck straps. They can just make the thing even bigger! Put an attachment on the left side that's a cup holder, for easy soda access. Huge battery backpack for extra play time.

Hey man :) haven't seen you in a while.

I look at that list and see a steady stream of WRPGs with major issues, on a continual path of decline. Maybe we should write about how WRPGs are doomed and make it a big stink for like 7 years? Sounds totally reasonable.

Well that attitude only seems to show up when it's about Bethesda and Bioware, Kotaku's sweetheart game studios. For everyone else, they're not apologists - but actually go way out of their way to maximize controversy.

Nice post.

The players didn't force anything, and they certainly didn't say - give me a boring ending that's not really changed, but instead has huge info dumps and the most ghetto looking slideshow you've ever seen.

I think he's just moving up the ladder, and not holding two redundant positions.

Oh it can. That's the most hilarious part. Most of the complaining went on for YEARS before it was released.

You must have missed the last 4 years of comments. There are MORE than enough that fit into this category.