
I expect you all to get some use out of this gif.

Where's the bikini one?!

I get to play dress up with Lightning?????

Here are my reactions in this order of how excited I am for this game and my hype meter.

oh, harley...

Now I'm horny.

Driving in a COD game...LOL!

for fucks sake, CoD doesn't even have a Co-op Campaing -.-

That's funny, because I consistently feel like EA is Stealing FROM ME.
Ie the $80 I spent on Sim City Deluxe, only to find it was a steaming pile of shit, that I feel I got MAYBE $5 value from.
And even Battlefield, in my opinion EA's best current game, I feel like they're stealing from me. $60 Base price (average), $69

Eh, less sales for them then.

The only difference I see is $100.

Living on the streets isn't a game. the game, of course, right?

The other day I bumped into a guy who then wanted to fight me. He got into a fighting stance, but I noticed a cop nearby and lured him closer so that when he punched me, she took him out. A few seconds later his dog came tearing off the porch and mauled the cop to death.

I find it kind of funny that the police AI made them start backing up from a clearly unarmed civilian.